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AMERICAN HORROR STORY: FREAK SHOW’s First Set Images Get Back (Literally)

Buncha freaks gonna be running things ’round American Horror Story way next season and Ryan Murphy has revealed the first shots of his weird and wonderful cast as series production on Freak Show gets underway.

Murphy tweeted the first image of perhaps the biggest star of the season, Sarah Paulson’s conjoined twins known as Dot and Bette. They were first revealed in a tweet from Paulson earlier this year, and it has been said that the ladies will come to life with the magic of both fancy-schmansy movie make-up and good ol’ fashioned CGI.

Also revealed, via Pajiba, was another back of a new addition to the series: Michael Chiklis. The man whom everyone likely knows best from his award-winning days on The Shield. This go-around he’ll be tackling the role of the freak show’s Strongman. Adding a bit of drama to the whole affair is the added detail that he is the ex-husband of Kathy Bates’ character, currently married to Angela Bassett’s character. I’m sure they’ll all just get along like gangbusters and be the bestest of friends, right?


And even though that wonderful teaser trailer was not, in fact, real (but rather fan made!), we do know a few things about this season. For instance, it will be set in 1950s Jupiter, Florida, centering around one of the few remaining/operational freak shows and its family-like cast of characters as they do whatever it takes to keep the fledgling business alive. The cast is a veritable smorgasbord of Murphy regulars, including Evan Peters, Francis Conroy, Jessica Lange, Emma Roberts, and the aforementioned Bates, Bassett, and Paulson. Newcomers this season include Chiklis and Wes Bentley.

What sort of freaks are you hoping the series showcases? Tickle us with your theories in the comments.

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  1. Blahjsjx says:

    Hope there’s a wolfman

  2. Kashi says:

    Wonder why Zachary Quinto hasn’t been on in two seasons, I miss him.

  3. Shirl Hadley says:

    I can’t wait! It sounds like it might just be the creepiest season yet. So many awesome freaks to choose from, I’ll be thrilled with whatever Ryan Murphy comes up with. I think the “fans” of the show bitching about who is and isn’t in the cast should be thankful we get another awesome story! I’m bummed that it’s Jessica Langes last season. She has been fantastic in these stories. 

  4. Chaz Mixon says:

    I’ll miss Lily! Good acting genes being the daughter of Jill Clayburgh!! We’ll love to hate Emma’s character, little bitch!!

  5. Looks like a very impressive new season to look forward to,otherwise it’s sad that this is said to be Jessica Lange’s last season(since she’s one of the strengths of the series).

  6. E says:

    I can’t believe Lily Rabe and Taissa Ferminga will not be in this season anymore. I liked the cast better before, I don’t like Emma Roberts but I’m exited for season four though.Just hoping sarah paulson’s character doesn’t look too fake..

    • V says:

      Rabe and Ferminga is not gonna be in it? :C That is a shame, the two of them are of my top favourites. Especially, Rabe. 

    • Jazz says:

      Totally agree with everything you said

    • Tardisian says:

      Lily is currently training for her role in mockingjay part 1 and Taissa is still in school and acting takes alot time from it.

      • May says:

        I think Lily Rabe turned down the Mockingjay role due to scheduling conflict, and instead did NYC Shakespeare in the Park.  Instead, the role went to Gwendolyn Christie (aka GoT’s Brienne of Tarth).  It’s Rabe’s worst career move IMHO. 🙁

  7. Katie says:

    I was definitely hoping for Taissa Farmiga in this season along with Jamie Brewer.. Definitely cannot wait for this season though! 

  8. Janet Grace says:

    How about a snake person? Face like a snake, body like a snake and definitely eats big living things like a snake.

  9. Nan says:

    Some fortune teller/psychic, a knife thrower, a “giant” and a “tiny” man (or lady), wolf man, a feral kid or adult…

  10. Jenkins says:

    CAN WE PLEASE KICK EMMA OFF? YES WE GET IT SHE WANTS TO WATCH HER MAN 24-7 like a crazy B*tch but she gets on everybodys dam nerves! 

  11. Jess says:

    No Lily Rabe? 🙁

  12. George says:

    I belive Lange is going to play the ring master, Basset as the bearded lady, and Bates as the fat lady. Now, you are probably saying to youself: “Well, that’s way to simple”. I know it’s simple; however, that’s what AHS do: make simple things seem compelx and intriguing. 

  13. Kate says:

    Maybe someone who can levitate? 

  14. Jenn says:

    I like Nicks comment!! A naked McDermott! Yum

  15. nick says:

    Can they bring back dylan McDermott to play nakedman? 

  16. Sean Thomas says:


  17. Sheri Miles says:

    Pin head?!Lizard boy?!Giant?!

  18. Sheri Miles says:

    Bring on the Lobster Boy, wolf boy, bearded lady, mermaid & tattooed man!

  19. Marcy Chandler says:

    So GLAD, Jessica Lange will be back.  She is sensational, and makes the show. 

  20. Olive says:

    Rubber man, also known as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome! 

  21. Brigitte says:

    I’m DYING for some bearded lady or wolf boy action! #AHSFreakshow