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Allow These 14 New ORPHAN BLACK Images to Drive You Insane

Alright sestras, gather close, because we’re about to fall down the Orphan Black rabbit hole in a big way. Needless to say there are some potentially major spoilers ahead for season four of the series (which returns on April 14 but who’s counting?).

Thursdays are proving themselves to be our new favorite day of the week. Not only is it the new airdate for BBC America’s fourth season of Orphan Black, but it’s also the day (today) that the network sent out not one, on two, but FOURTEEN (!!!) new images from the forthcoming new series. And we’re ready to go full Carrie Mathison on this one.


Now, according to the press release, this season finds “Sarah (Tatiana Maslany) returning home from her Icelandic hideout to track down an elusive new ally tied to deceased clone Beth (Maslany), whose identity Sarah stole in the series’ first episode. With the stakes higher than ever before, Sarah and her sisters band together to uncover the missing chapter of the clone conspiracy–following Beth’s footsteps into a dangerous relationship with a potent enemy, who holds the key to their survival.”

Naturally this makes us wonder about the photo plucked from the batch of season one images that they included for season four: That of Sarah on the train tracks. Does she go back to investigate the moment that changed it all? Does someone send her there to retrieve/look for clues? It feels likely, considering the new clone wears a mask and this description describes an “elusive new ally tied to deceased clone Beth.” Could they be one in the same? The series has long purported season four will go back to the beginning and, well, it doesn’t get much more beginning-y than that.

But let’s really get into it in the gallery below, where we deep dive into crazy ol’ theorytown with what’s happening in the images. And be sure to keep it locked right here to Nerdist to see our interviews from set with the cast and creators!

Image Credit: BBC America
GIF Credit: HomelandOnShowtime/Tumblr

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of Nerdist. She’s also the honorary chairwoman of the Nerdist faction of Clone Club. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes).

And while you’re here, check out Alicia’s interview with the cast from last year’s San Diego Comic Con:


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