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New ORPHAN BLACK Trailer Falls Down the Rabbit Hole

Are you ready, sestras? To fall even further down the Orphan Black rabbit hole? Well then step right up to this brand new trailer for the fourth season of the BBC America series. Needless to say, we may get a little spoiler-y in regards to the end of season three—so if you want to remain unaware as to what may go down, step away now. For the rest of you Clone Clubbers out there, let’s get down to business like we’re Allison Hendrix on a political mission.

By the looks of the trailer, OB‘s mission this season is to return to the beginning. To the Neolutionists, to the central mystery (why?), to learning (finally!) about Beth Childs and what drove her to suicide. Something tells me new clone MK will have something to do with this.

Last season left us with a lot of questions, and this trailer seems to point to a lot of answers coming out of a return to its season one roots. Will the sisterhood like no other and (their mayfly brothers) get what they want when they fall into the Neolutionist web of rhyme and reason? Will we finally figure out how Beth got her information and why she chose to kill herself? The mind, it reels! Rabbit hole indeed.

But what do you think of the new trailer? Let us know in the comments below.

Image Credits: BBC America/YouTube

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of The Nerdist and frequent rabbit hole scavenger. Find her going overboard on Twitter (@alicialutes) if you’re into that sort of thing. 

And while you’re at it, check out Alicia’s interview with the cast of Orphan Black from this year’s San Diego Comic-Con:

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