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Alamo Drafthouse Opens New STAR WARS-Themed Movie Theater

The Alamo Drafthouse movie theater chain is already the coolest theater chain on the planet for a variety of reasons, but their newly opened location in Omaha, Nebraska, is probably their best location yet. Why so cool? Because it’s North America’s first Star Wars themed movie theater.

Just how filled with Star Warsy goodness is this new movie theater? For starters, among the many cool features is a 10-foot replica Death Star hanging in the lobby, complete with green superlaser shooting out of it. Sadly, there is no paper mache floating field of rocks to signify poor Alderaan, but hey, they can always add those later.

There are also Imperial design highlight panels everywhere that give you the feel of being on the Death Star. Even the Emperor’s throne from Return of the Jedi has a place of honor in this new theater, and you can control the replica Death Star in the lobby using the controls on the chair. All that’s missing is Lord Vader roaming the halls with a bucket of popcorn and some red vines, or maybe one of those little mouse droids that squeal in terror every time a Wookiee growls at them.

In a statement to Entertainment Weekly, Alamo’s Omaha team said, “We wanted a theme that was built around an iconic film and to completely own that theme to immerse our guests in the experience. That is when Star Wars came into the picture and it just so happened that we timed it out just right with the announcement of the huge plans for a new Star Wars legacy starting this December. It is a permanent installation and will be the destination to see all of the new Star Wars films.”

With new Star Wars movies hitting every year till the end of the decade (and probably beyond), Alamo’s timing for this new theater couldn’t have been better. The design, construction, and installation were done by Dimensional Innovations out of Kansas City. You can check out EW’s pictures of Alamo’s new Star Wars-themed theater in the gallery below.

HT, Images: Entertainment Weekly
Featured image courtesy of DeviantArt // artist: EnterpriseDavid


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