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AGENT CARTER is ‘Back Back Back’ in New Trailer

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s fall finale airs December 8, and we won’t see the war the between S.H.I.E.L.D. and HYDRA continue until March of 2016. For the rest of December, we’ll probably be treated with multiple Christmas specials. I mean, whatever; I’ll probably watch them. On January 5, however, Marvel’s favorite daughter returns as Agent Carter Season 2 premieres.

The above promo, although very short, does give us insight as to the look of the show for its return, with Peggy’s (Hayley Atwell) adventures leading her and Edwin Jarvis (James D’Arcy) to Hollywood.

The video has flashes of California from the late 40s, and it looks like Peggy’s car has some Bond-type gadgets installed (This is where I would make an Xzibit Pimp My Ride reference, but I refuse to do this. I will, however, start the fan theory that the car is an early prototype for Lola). She’s also brandishing a shotgun and arresting someone. So there will be at least one scene in the show where she is not on the run from the Strategic Science Reserve. Lastly, it looks like she may or may not be finding love this season, from the looks of that “almost kiss” towards the end of the commercial.

Agent Carter Season 2 will air Tuesdays on ABC.

So what do you think? Is this enough to convince you Agent Carter is back and better than ever? What Marvel easter eggs would you like to see this time around? Let me know on Twitter or sound off in the comments below.

HT: Slashfilm

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