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Aaron Sorkin Will Adapt TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD For Broadway

It’s been a number of years since I sat down and watched To Kill A Mockingbird but I’m not remembering a ton of walk and talks in the classic film. Obviously, it was a bit surprising to learn that Aaron Sorkin, of West Wing and Newsroom fame, was set to adapt the story for the New York City stage in the coming years. The announcement was made this morning by Scott Rudin, who worked alongside Sorkin on Steve Jobs this past year.

Harper Lee‘s To Kill A Mockingbird has won most of the awards a book can win since it was published 55 years ago, including a Pulitzer Prize for the book and three Academy Awards for the film version (including Best Actor for Gregory Peck and Best Picture). That said, it hasn’t been without controversy. When the characters again hit the page just this past year in Go Set A Watchman, the story was roundly criticized for the changes that were made to beloved characters over the years. As a fan both of the book and of Sorkin’s work, I’m hopeful that his past experience adapting complex works will hold true with this, and the stage play will be something I am eager to see once it hits Broadway in the 2017-2018 season.

The new stage version will be penned by Sorkin and directed by Tony-winner Bartlett Sher (The King & I, Fiddler on the Roof). You never know – this new play could be the next Hamilton if Sorkin does well, right? Will you make the trip to see the new play? Tell us in the comments below.

HT EW / Image via IndependentUK



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