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A Song for Every Pokemon Created by Ambitious Fan

Gotta sing ’em all!

Pokémon aficionados understand that music plays a big role in the series’ charm. Good luck trying to get the intro song out of your head once you’ve heard it…”I want to be the very best.” You’re welcome.

Well, a devoted Pokémon fan named Jacob Newman (a.k.a. Jacob Norman Chainsaw-Arm, as he’s referred to online), has taken on the rather ambitious project of creating a unique song for every pocket monster in existence. If you haven’t been paying attention to the series recently, there are now over 700 of these critters.

He currently has 100 songs completed on his Sound Cloud, BandCamp, and Tumblr accounts (via Rocket News 24) which span several genres. Admittedly, they’re not all masterpieces, but there are some really good bangers there. Here are three of our favorites so far:

This one is for all the Togepi lovers out there:

Sunny-side up
Never enough
You’re my little darling, baby egg
Geometric sprinkles
Oh so many colors
And I know that you’re my lover

In case you feel like listening to grunge:

Sometimes you’re the haunter sometimes you’re the haunted.
Sometimes you’re the haunter sometimes you’re the haunted.
Sometimes you’re the haunter sometimes you’re the haunted.
Sometimes you’re the haunter sometimes you’re left to be forgotten.

And of course, for the cat lovers:

I hear you purring on my favorite rug.
I am pouring all of my love
onto that gem of yours.
I am stirring a pot full of stew
Filled with fishies and milky goo
It’s all for you
You’re my lap cat.
Regal as I pat you.
On your head, it’s time for bed.
I hope that you like me too.

Again, make sure to go support Jacob if you want to hear more. Which of the above songs did you dig the most? Which Pokémon is most worthy of their own theme song? Let us know in the comments below!

And wanna know how to pick your starting Pokemon, scientifically? Look here!

Image: Nintendo

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