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A PSA From the People For the Ethical Treatment of Rancors

“At this time there is no law forbidding the senseless killing of rancors. This is a travesty. Across the universe, rancors are being murdered by the hundreds for sport, are being forced to fight to the death in underground pits by rich and powerful vermin, like the late Jabba the Hutt.”

That’s the message behind this powerful new public service announcement that is trying to raise awareness about the mistreatment of rancors across the galaxy. Brought to us by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Rancors (P.E.T.R), they hope to gather 100 thousand signatures so the Galactic Senate will not be able to ignore the plight of these poor creatures any longer.

They are also looking for any help in tracking down famed rancor killer Luke Skywalker, who has eluded capture for his murder of a rancor on Tatooine. With the release of recent footage, believed to be him with a blue and white astromech droid, it’s the best lead they’ve had in thirty years. (Although, like, maybe everyone hasn’t seen Luke and you should keep it to yourself if you have, for a little while at least, you know?)

It might seem like rancors are vicious monsters, and to be trapped with one absolves your actions in protecting yourself, but we know how lovable these large beings can be. Don’t forget that the loss of a rancor can bring untold pain to those that care for them.


If you’d like to sign the petition, you can go to their (very real) website, stopkillingrancors, and sign your name to a good cause. Kudos to YouTube user Pretty Beard Productions for running this P.S.A. for the group.

What other Star Wars creature needs our help? Sign your idea to our comments section below.

Images: Lucasfilm/20th Century Fox

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