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A New Generation of CT Scanners Turn Your Insides into Anatomical Art

“CT scan” is much easier to say than “translating the differential absorption of x-rays in your body’s tissues into 2D images that can be stacked into 3D images,” but it doesn’t sound nearly as cool. At least the next generation of CT scanners are producing images that will live up to the science.

GE_Health1The Circle of Willis.

Two years ago, GE introduced a line of super-fast CT scanners called Revolution CT scanners. Their speed allowed doctors to quickly and easily obtain hi-res images of our bodies at work.

GE_Health5An image of the abdomen and the aorta.

In September of last year, the West Kendall Baptist Hospital in Florida became the first facility to use the new machine. The results speak for themselves.

GE_Health6A foot reinforced with screws.

According to GE, “[Revolution CT’s] combination of low-dose exposure, organ-wide coverage and motion correction technology allows doctors to reduce radiation and still obtain high-resolution images of blood vessels, soft tissue, organs and bones.” A six-month trial of the scanners at the West Kendall Baptist Hospital was reportedly a grand success.



GE_Health2A human heart with stents.

Head over to GE Reports to see more GIFs and stills from the Revolution CT.

HT: GE Reports

IMAGE: GE Healthcare

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