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A Magical Mashup of Disney Princess Power Songs

My heart might mostly belong to Star Wars, but Disney and their pantheon of princesses own a significant portion as well. Disney’s animated films were a big part of my formative years and continue to make an impact upon me as an adult. I ignore the bad or questionable lessons and take away the good parts, the parts about chasing your dreams and being brave. For those reasons, the Disney princess power ballads continue to stick with me. I still listen to songs from Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, and just about every other Disney film released in the ’80s and early ’90s. And now I can relive my childhood thanks to a gorgeous mashup produced by Juancho Muñoz.

The five minute piece stitches together the following songs: “Beauty and the Beast” from Beauty and the Beast, “Colors of the Wind” from Pocahontas, “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid, “Reflection” from Mulan, and “Let It Go” from Frozen. Part medley and part mashup, the tune features performances that will rip into your guts in the best way. Every vocalist is a powerhouse. Muñoz recruited Makis de Angulo, Olga Vives, Camila Esguerra, Juliana Perez, and Natalia Afanador for the project. I can’t wait until some enterprising individual asks Muñoz if he or she can edit the vocals together with clips from all the films.

Because we’re on the subject, which Disney animated film song is your all time favorite? I’ll be nice and let you choose two. Tell me in the comments or hit me up on Twitter.

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