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CINDERELLA’S Lily James Sings A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Disney’s animated Cinderella has so many memorable moments that it’s difficult to separate them. But as a little girl and as an adult, I melt into a pile of optimistic goo when Cinderella sings “A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes.” I particularly like the part where Cinderella curses the clock. I feel that way every morning. Anyway. Since the new live-action Cinderella is a pretty straightforward adaptation of the 1950 animated version, it has to include the classic song. It’s a moral imperative. And because Lily James (Cinderella) is basically a real-life Disney princess, she sings the classic tune beautifully.

Disney just released the track along with a video, and it’s all enchanting. Besides listening to James’ lovely voice, you can watch the video on repeat to admire the movie’s rich aesthetics. I’m completely obsessed with the lavish settings and stand out costumes. And seeing Richard Madden as the clean-cut Prince doesn’t hurt anything.


Gif via The Lovely Richard Madden

And Cate Blanchett as the Stepmother?



Gifs via Queen Cate

Like with the trailers, the music video basically tells the entire story of Cinderella. But, it’s not like the plot is some huge secret. I guess if you’ve never read the fairy tale or seen Disney’s animated version of the story, maybe don’t watch the video? You can just close your eyes, listen to the music, and pretend for a couple of minutes that all of life’s problems can be solved by dreaming and wishing.

Cinderella is in theaters now, and the soundtrack is available on iTunes.

Do you like this version of “A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes” better than the original? Let me know in the comments.

HT: Facebook

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  1. Kelly says:

    Seriously, could her waist be any smaller? I loved the version of the song but woah. That’s scary tiny. Like eat a burger. 

    • Lisa says:

      She is wearing a corset and there is lots of extra fabric on the hips…. she is skinny but not insanely skinny. Welcome to the illusion of costuming.

    • Eva says:

      Yeah, how dare she have a small waist! A belly full of burgers looks so much healthier!

  2. Joanne E. says:

    She sings it beautifully! I actually teared up listening to it with the video above.