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A Deeper Look at GAME OF THRONES’ Battle at Blackwater Rush

Game of Thrones just passed the halfway point of its shortened seventh season, and no one can say that the show isn’t pulling out all of the stops. Last night’s amazing episode unleashed some of the most epic moments that we’ve seen yet, when two sides of the war met at Blackwater Rush. Today’s Nerdist News is examining the ashes of the battle to share the smaller details that you may have missed!

There are massive spoilers ahead for last night’s Game of Thrones. If you’ve somehow remained Unsullied until now, this is your last chance to turn back.

Join the only host with hands of gold, Jessica Chobot, as she walks us through the episode’s signature sequence as the Lannister army and their bannermen faced the Dothraki horde and the mother of dragons herself, Daenerys Targaryen, as she rode Drogon into battle. A Song of Ice and Fire historians can’t help but notice that this encounter played out in a similar way to Aegon the Conqueror’s Lannister roast when the Targaryen dynasty was founded years before. 

It has to be said that the outcome of the battle was predicted all the way back in season 1. The late King Robert said that “only a fool would meet the Dothraki in an open field.” Jaime Lannister and his followers didn’t exactly have much of a choice. And while they could have potentially prevailed against the invaders, Drogon’s dragon fire proved to be too much to overcome.

Although Jaime sank like a stone in the river during the closing moments of the battle, that could be the incident that forces Jaime to reevaluate everything. It’s not a coincidence that the shot of Jaime seemed to mirror Bran’s fall from Winterfell or even Tyrion’s near fatal drowning experience with the Stone Men. It’s a pretty safe assumption that Jaime will survive, but will he bend the knee to the Targaryen queen and turn on his sister? Possibly, but it’s far more likely that he’ll be even more in his sister’s camp, so to speak, now that he’s seen what Daenerys can do with only a single dragon.

Another important detail that Daenerys seemed to overlook is that her dragon barbecued almost all of the food that was stolen from Highgarden. Considering that the long winter is already upon them, that may prove to be very costly. Without that food, many people may starve. And more dead people will only give the Night’s King an even bigger army.

This may have been a very one-sided battle, but our favorite mercenary, Bronn, proved that Qyburn was correct. The dragons are not invincible and they can be hurt and killed. As skilled as he is, Bronn was only able to land a glancing shot on Drogon. Presumably Qyburn will have considerably more anti-dragon measures in place by the time that Daenerys turns her towards King’s Landing. The foreshadowing of the scene between Cersei and Qyburn earlier this season seemed to suggest that at least one of Daenerys’ dragons will die. We definitely think that Cersei won’t go down without a fight, and she’ll try to make Daenerys’ march of destiny into a Pyrrhic victory at best.

What did you think about Game of Thrones‘ Battle at Blackwater Rush? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

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