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7 Things You Might Have Missed in the JUSTICE LEAGUE Trailer

Later this year, it’s going to be time to unite the seven! Over the weekend, a new trailer for Zack Snyder‘s Justice League movie was unleashed online, and it certainly looks a lot brighter and funnier than anything else we’ve seen in the DC Extended Universe. Naturally, we’ve watched the new footage many times while hunting for clues about what we can expect to see in the film. In today’s Nerdist News, we’re sharing our intel and pointing the seven most significant moments from the Justice League trailer.


Join host and keeper of the Mother Box, Jessica Chobot, as she breaks down the latest trailer for your viewing enjoyment. Starting at the top, we’re in love with anything that can make Aquaman as cool as he is here. Somehow, Snyder has not only found a way to make Jason Momoa‘s underwater hero into the MVP of the trailer, he’s also stealing the signature “fastball special” from Wolverine. That’s got to be against the superhero code, but Aquaman doesn’t care. Next thing you know, he will be saying that he’s the best he is at what he does, and what he does isn’t very nice.


Fans may have noticed former Doctor Manhattan, Billy Crudup in the trailer as Barry Allen’s father, Henry; but we’re reasonably certain that any Watchmen connections will be downplayed. This movie isn’t ready to go there. Also, there’s a surprising amount of Mother Boxes in this film. Mera’s got one, Cyborg has one, and even Cyborg’s dad has one!


Additionally, we spotted a glimpse of Batman‘s new vehicle, “the Nightcrawler,” as well as some big trouble at a nuclear power plant, and more terraforming…again. Between Zod and Steppenwolf, that seems to be the go-to alien threat. But the most important thing about this trailer is what isn’t in it: Superman. We can’t subscribe to the idea that Superman won’t be in this film, but we commend Warner Bros. for hanging onto that inevitable plot twist like HBO hung into Jon Snow. We’ve got a theory about that, and it may lead to a very dark turn from Superman before the end of the movie.

What do you think about the new Justice League trailer? Let’s discuss in the comment section below!

Images: Warner Bros.

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