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Celebrate 25 Years of Power Rangers With a Nerdist and Saban Megazord Toy

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Saban‘s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ premiere, and though we might be a little older, we have never outgrown our love of the show…or its toys. That’s why we wanted to do something extra special to commemorate this momentous occasion; something that celebrates one of our favorite franchises and those amazing figures we all coveted. And what better way to do that than with a real-life mega morphin’ toy smash! Meet this year’s hottest new collectible, a one-of-a-kind Nerdist-branded Megazord!

Oh yes, this is a very real toy you can totally buy.

We partnered with Saban and the Power Rangers to bring you the “most-extra” Megazord ever, a fierce mecha-warrior who can save Angel Grove while ranking every superhero movie ever. Made up of our very own Team Nerdizords, this is one enemy Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa wouldn’t want to face in battle or at bar trivia.

But this isn’t something we made just for ourselves. Neither Saban nor we would leave you, our loyal readers and fellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger fans, out of the fun. That’s right, you can now bring the Nerdist Megazord home, exclusively from Target stores and But hurry, because if there’s one thing we’ve learned in the last 25 years, it’s that that Power Rangers toys don’t stay on store shelves for long. Probably because so many people buy two of them, one to play with and one to keep in the box. (We know we’re not the only ones who do that!)

If you want your very own Kyle Hill, Dan Casey, and Jessica Chobot Power Rangers figures, you’ll have to do your own toy smashing. Who knows? Maybe we’ll release official ones of them someday. That would be an amazing way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the show.

What kind of battles do you think the Nerdist Megazord would be best at? Let us know in the comments below or on Twitter @Nerdist!

Gif image: Saban via Beabandis

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