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Peep the Highlights from ORPHAN BLACK’s 2014 SDCC Panel

At this year’s San Diego Comic-Con International, catching the cast and crew of Orphan Black was a hot ticket item for many of the folks at the Con. Be it their Tumblr fan meet-up, the panel itself, or Tatiana Maslany’s several appearances throughout the weekend, fans came out of the woodwork to obsess about the sestrahood we’ve all come to know and love on BBC America.

In fact, the show was so popular a lot of fans (and even some press) were unable to attend the panel! But lest you all get super sad about the prospect of never knowing what, exactly, it was like to be in that room, the folks at BBC America have distilled the hourlong event into one, easy to digest, two-and-a-half minute video, highlighting seven of the event’s best, silliest, most outrageous, and fun moments. There’s talk of Donnie’s underwear! A bunch of clone nesting dolls! That time our beloved Fee repeatedly (and unknowingly) beat the crap out of Hot Paul. And speculation as to who would be the perfect person to play Alison Hendrix’s mother (their answer is very, very good. We totally approve).

It’ll help tide you over until our own video interviews with the cast and crew come out (that’s right, Clone Club: we’ve got even more Orphan Black/Comic-Con goodness coming your way. Can you even stand it?).

So — who would you dreamcast as the parents of Cosima and Alison? Do you agree with their choice for Alison’s mom? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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