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2000 AD’s ROGUE TROOPER Returns with James Robinson and Leonardo Manco (Exclusive)

Nearly four decades ago, 2000 AD readers were introduced to Gerry Finley-Day and Dave Gibbons’ Rogue Trooper, the saga of a blue-skinned, nearly unkillable genetically enhanced super soldier. Next month, 2000 AD Prog 2050 will bring us a long-awaited Rogue Trooper adventure, courtesy of writer James Robinson and artist Leonardo Manco!

Robinson, who is working with 2000 AD for the first time on this project, is best known for co-creating Starman, in addition his memorable stints on Superman, Fantastic Four, Cable, and Justice Society. One of Manco’s most recent books was DC’s absolutely bizarre reboot of Wacky Raceland, but he is also known for his runs on War Machine and Hellblazer. Ahead of next month’s “jumping on” issue of 2000 AD, both Robinson and Manco shared a few thoughts about their upcoming 10-page Rogue Trooper story.

“The offer from Matt Smith to do a [Rogue Trooper] story came out of the blue,” Robinson said. “It was unexpected, but it was most welcome. Especially using Rogue Trooper, one of 2000 AD‘s great heroes whose adventures I’d followed since his earliest days.”

The involvement of Manco on the project was pivotal in shaping the story for Robinson. “I didn’t know who my artist would be, which I find makes it slightly harder to write, in that I always like to work to the strengths of any artist I’m collaborating with if possible,” Robinson said. “However, when I discovered was Leonardo Manco, it filled me with delight. I loved his work I’d seen at Marvel and DC, so getting to work with him finally, was an extra treat. Such beautiful line-work and inks. He does a really amazing Rogue Trooper.”

Manco noted that he’s been a fan of Rogue Trooper since he was a teenager, saying, “The first sensation I felt after reading the script for the first time was, ‘This is like the perfect introduction of something bigger.’ Without a doubt James has much more to tell about Rogue Trooper and he knows very well how to do it, and I must accompany him, in a visual way, the best way that I can.”

Robinson added that he hopes to do more stories for 2000 AD. “I really enjoyed the experience,” he said. “And if it was more work with Leonardo too, I certainly wouldn’t complain.”

2000 AD Prog 2050 will be available digitally and in the United Kingdom on September 27,  but fans in America will have to wait until October for the issue to be released in comic shops.

Are you excited to read Robinson and Manco’s Rogue Trooper story? Let us know in the comment section below!

Images: 2000 AD

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