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20-Second Teaser for DOCTOR WHO’s “The Witch’s Familiar”

How about that premiere, folks and friends? I can honestly say I was not expecting that to shake out quite the way it did in Doctor Who‘s Series 9 premiere, “The Magician’s Apprentice,” but I’m sure glad that it did. After the better part of two full series without a cliffhanger, the first episode gave us a great one, and it also managed to, in perfect Steven Moffat style, make us guess about how the Doctor (and Clara and Missy for that matter) will get out of such a predicament. But now that we know Davros is back, though dying, and his children, led by the Dalek Supreme, aren’t messing around anymore, the Doctor might just have nothing left to lose.

In the 20-second teaser for “The Witch’s Familiar,” the appropriately connected title to the second half of the story, we see Davros bating the Doctor, testing to see if he is, in fact, prepared to kill every last Dalek in existence, possibly by Ex-Ter-Min-Ating Davros when he was but a wee child in a sea of Hand Mines. Things look pretty durned bleak, and if a sky full of Daleks rising over the newly-realized Dalek city on Skaro doesn’t make you feel a bit doomed, then friend you’re a crazy person.

“The Witch’s Familiar” will premiere Saturday, September 26, at 9:00pm ET/PT on BBC America, and as always, be sure to check back immediately after for my review of the episode, where I’ll break down each and every Dalek eyestalk. Or whatever.

What do you think will happen in Series 9, Episode 2? Share your theories in the comments below!

Image: BBC

Kyle Anderson is the Weekend Editor, a film and TV critic, and a diehard Whovian. Talk at him about stuff on Twitter!

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