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15 New 8-Player Stages Added in SUPER SMASH BROS. Wii U Update

The 8-Player mode in Super Smash Bros. Wii U has been nothing short of heaven-sent chaos since the game launched late last year. But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s this: there really need to be more stages that support 5 or more players smashing it out. Thankfully, Nintendo picked up on this sentiment and announced 15 new Super Smash Bros. Wii U levels– all exclusively made to support 8-player matches.

There are nine normal stages, which include:

Mario Circuit (X)
Wii Fit Studio
Village and Town
Luigi’s Mansion
Pokemon Stadium 2
Pyro Sphere
Suma Village
Rye Rat Cruise

On top of those, there are also six Omega stages, which include:

Mario Galaxy
Village and Town
Mario Circuit (X)
Rye Rat Cruise
Cave Battle
Pokemon Stadium 2

Of course, since the Nintendo 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. doesn’t support 8 player matches, these maps will only be coming to the Wii U version. But that’s not to say that some 3DS related updates aren’t in the cards for the future. The best part about today’s news: that’s even less time I’ll be spending playing that god-awful Donkey Kong stage.

Do you like having more people around when you Smash? Are you excited about all of these new Super Smash Bros. stages? Down+B your thoughts into the comments below.

[HT: Nintendo Japan]

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  1. Lando says:

    There needs to be a corneria stage for wii u, the 3ds got it, and it’s one of the best maps!