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10 CLOVERFIELD LANE Offers a Peek Outside (Exclusive)

It’s been eight years since J.J. Abrams, Matt Reeves, and Drew Goddard unleashed Cloverfield and we’ve been eager to see a sequel materialize! But 10 Cloverfield Lane is not Cloverfield 2 or even a true sequel. This movie does have a connection to the previous Cloverfield film, but you’re just gonna have to see 10 Cloverfield Lane to fully appreciate it.

10 Cloverfield Lane follows Michelle (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), a young woman who finds herself locked away in a bomb shelter with two strangers: Howard (John Goodman) and Emmet (John Gallagher, Jr.). According to Howard, he saved Michelle’s life by pulling her from a car wreck and by bringing her into his bomb shelter before the outside world succumbed to a chemical attack.

But as far as Michelle is concerned, she’s been kidnapped. And to be honest, can you blame her for thinking that? Way back in the very first trailer for 10 Cloverfield Lane, we saw how far Michelle was willing to go to win back her freedom when she violently attacked Howard and attempted to flee. Howard practically begged her to stop before she opened the door to the outside world.

On the eve of 10 Cloverfield Lane’s release, we’ve got an exclusive scene that reveals what happened immediately after that first trailer. There’s someone outside of the bomb shelter, and her physical condition suggests that Howard wasn’t lying about that chemical attack. And just because Howard and Michelle are behind a sealed door doesn’t mean that they’re safe.

What did you think about this preview scene from 10 Cloverfield Lane? Let us know in the comment section below!


Image Credit: Paramount Pictures

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