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10 Best STAR WARS Sidekicks According To The Official Website

The editorial staff over at the Star Wars website have been running a series of top ten videos based on, surprisingly, Star Wars. For this video they’ve chosen to take a look at the top 10 sidekicks of the franchise for their “not officially official” list. The round-up limits itself to the movies and cartoons of Star Wars for now, because let’s be honest, almost all of the expanded universe has been done away with. They have also decided that no Jedi or Sith apprentices count.

The list starts off pretty slow, with entries like Kitster and Jar Jar (I know) showing up immediately. It is always best to get things from Phantom Menace out of the way as quickly as possible, but even when I was a kid—and loved that movie to death—I didn’t realize Anakin’s little friend had a name. As for Jar Jar, they tried so hard to make him a plot-essential character, but I don’t think they will ever win the haters over. The list obviously gets better as it goes, in true top 10 nature, but a couple omissions confused me. If R2-D2 and Chewbacca are both able to be considered sidekicks—despite how big their roles tend to be in the films—how did characters like Lando and C-3p0 not make the cut? Ok, maybe Lando betrayed Han and sold him to Boba Fett, but come on, it’s Billy Dee baby!


[Image: Comic Vine]

Also we can’t help but wonder/speculate: will BB8 make the list if they updated post-Force Awakens?

No matter what though, I do agree with their choice of Chewbacca being number one, but what I really want to know is what you readers think. Let us know what you do, and don’t, agree with on this list in the comments below!

Featured Image: Disney.wikia

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