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Zoom Prepares to Unmask in New THE FLASH Trailer

The secret of Zoom’s identity has been one of the biggest mysteries of The Flash’s second season. But if the new trailer is any indication, Zoom may finally reveal himself in the near future.

There are several exciting moments in the new trailer, including Earth-2’s Barry Allen coming face-to-face with the Flash, the return of King Shark, the special guest appearance of John and Lyla Diggle from Arrow, and a very strange team up with Killer Frost. But the scenes with Zoom are the most alarming, as it’s clear that he’s followed Team Flash back to Earth-1, and he’s coming after them in the heart of S.T.A.R. Labs.

Every Flash fan has a theory about who Zoom may be. The most recent episode certainly shot down the rumors that Earth-2 Barry is Zoom, barring some time travel shenanigans. So, who’s left? Jay Garrick’s Earth-1 counterpart, the improbably named Hunter Zolomon is the most likely suspect…and therefore the least likely to be behind the mask. Hunter Zolomon was Zoom in DC’s comic book universe, but it would be pretty anti-climactic if it turned out that the first time we saw Zoom without his mask he was just chilling in the park.

For the reveal to work, Zoom has to be someone that the audience knows and someone they care about. That’s why the reveal of the Reverse-Flash was so effective last season. The Harrison Wells of Earth-2 is Zoom’s enemy, so he’s out of the running to be Zoom. One of the popular theories online is that Zoom is an alternate version of Barry’s father, Henry Allen.

But there is another possibility fans may have overlooked: Eddie Thwane. Rick Cosnett may not be a series regular anymore, but he’s only recurring on Quantico this season. Theoretically, Cosnett could still make a few guest appearances on The Flash this season as an unmasked Zoom. Eddie’s name was on Barry and Iris’ phone in “Welcome to Earth-2,” which means there is an alternate Eddie that we haven’t met yet…or have we?

Who do you think Zoom is? Share your theories below!


Image Credit: DC Entertainment/The CW



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