Tired of Pokémon GO taking over basically every aspect of life? Well, you’re not alone. After a surge of non-interactive visitors hunting for Pokémon hit the Birmingham Zoo, one of the institution’s zookeepers spiced up a few bird signs with the Pokémon GO treatment, complete with animal types, stardust amounts, and unique candy. Take a look at the close-ups in the gallery below of the Pokémon signs for the Double-Wattled Cassowary, Rainbow Lorikeet, Caribbean Flamingo, and Kori Bustard, via Bored Panda.
High density areas for catching Pokémon, like zoos and parks, are starting to benefit from the waves of trainers visiting their locations. While some businesses are refusing to allow non-paying costumers who are playing Pokémon GO around their establishments, others are jumping on the wagon by boosting their PokéStops, gyms, and local wild Pokémon.
This zookeeper has been running her own Tumblr page, fittingly called Zookeeper Problems, where Zookeepers of the world are united by her stories and pictures featuring the daily occurrences within the wild world of zoos. When all the recent trainers started flocking to the Birmingham Zoo but failed to notice the actual animals around them, this anonymous zookeeper said, “Hey, if you can’t beat ‘em…†But let’s not downplay the power of Pokémon GO; this AR mobile game has taken a decade-old franchise formula and forced real-life exploration upon new and veteran players. Sure, engagement of the actual real world locations is an issue, but at least gamers are out in the wide open spaces of their hometowns.
Have you been to your local zoo lately? Let us know below which PokéStops and gyms you like to visit the most! And remember, stay safe and alert out there, trainers!
Featured Image: The Pokémon Company
Image: Zookeeper Problems/Tumblr