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Zelda Saves Link in a Role-Reversed “Legend”

You want to play a Legend of Zelda game as Zelda? Well, then, here, Kenna W. made a patch so that you can do exactly that. And why not Zelda starring Zelda instead of Link? Kenna, a self-described hobbyist animator, and her boyfriend, a video game programmer, switched Link and Zelda, inspired by the guy who edited Donkey Kong to let his daughter play as the Princess.

Kenna describes the process in her blog and provides links and instructions so you can do the same to an unedited Legend of Zelda NES ROM, because, yeah, it’s cool to have Zelda get to do the fun stuff.

HT: Laughing Squid via Charlene Jimenez

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  1. Jonah says:

    Before I make my case I would like to say. I am in no way a sexist, and people who have a ‘middle ground’ on subjects are few and far between on the internet. Now onto my actual comment.

    I personally find it a bit two dimensional that we need to ‘re-write history’. I have no problem with playing as a female and for me it’s all about the gameplay and controls. If I were playing tomb raider, I wouldn’t say. “Ehh, this is good and all, but I think playing as a girl is not my thing.”
    Not only is that vaguely sexist, it’s a pointless argument, its not about the character, its the controls, environment, gameplay ETC.
    I’m not saying that the game world is not biased toward males. We have an overabundance of male characters in gaming. But we should innovate and strive for the future, not try and re-do history so its more ‘relate-able’ to girls.
    There should be no ‘girl gamers’ and ‘guy gamers’ or, ‘girl games’ and ‘guy games’.

    Only Good games, and bad games.


  2. Emilio says:

    I feel that there’s fun to be made at how people outside the gaming community confuse who is Link and who is Zelda.

  3. Gregoryg says:

    How great would it have been if this had been included as an option at the get-go? Would have set a fantastic precedent, and perhaps the game world wouldn’t be quite so skewed these days.