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Surround Yourself with the Warmth of the Internet’s Best Yule Log Videos

We’re two days from Christmas, so we’re deep in the throes of the holiday season. Everywhere you look there are strings of lights, snowflake decorations, and festive music reminding you that the time to overeat and interact with family members isn’t entirely over yet. Should your appetite lead to napping in front of your loved ones, it’s best you do it in a way that expresses your inner nerd since you won’t be awake to geek out over things. Here are a few of our favorite yule log videos to sleep to this holiday season.

Don’t ask us how or why, but in 2013, we got our hands on a laser and did the only logical thing we could think of. For nearly an hour, we “pew-pew-pewed” (scientific term, trust us) as many holiday knick-knacks that we could find for your fireside pleasure.

Old Spice joined the yule log game this year with this combustible masterpiece featuring the absolutely lovable Terry Crews. It’s roughly a 20 minute loop of Old Spice’s brand of delightful nonsense that even includes Crews blasting into a different holiday.

There’s something about the Darth Vader funeral pyre yule log that works entirely too well. Sure, it’s a bit morbid to watch Anakin’s body go up in flames for hours on end, but we just enjoy it too darn much. Plus, we know he gets to be a Force ghost so we doubt he minds.

Staring into the Eye of Sauron for a few hours might suit those with more evil inclinations, but there is something soothing about this video. Sauron gets a bad rap, but he’s really the only villain who makes a point to really see you.

There’s no shortage of cute animal yule logs including more than five from feline internet sensation Lil’ Bub, but we’re glad pups are occasionally getting the spotlight. Uhh… firelight? Especially this one starring Frank the bulldog who is basically our post-meal spirit animal as he lazily naps through most of the video.

If you happen to nerd out over chemistry, then there’s nothing better than this video from AsapSCIENCE. They replaced the conventional flames to show off the chemical reactions taking place while a log burns. Things change a bit as the log burns away.

We saved the best for last with Nick Offerman‘s fireside sit-n-drink from My Tales of Whisky. We can’t think of a better holiday pastime than sitting in silence with Offerman for 45 minutes while sipping on Lagavulin Single Malt Scotch Whisky.

What’s your favorite holiday yule log video? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Nerdist

Stay festive with more stories about the holidays!


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