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Your First Look at Valiant’s RAI #1

Earlier this month, we broke the news of Valiant Comics’ ambitious new Valiant First initiative, which will see the acclaimed publisher rolling out six brand new series starting in May. Now, Valiant has a preview of the first in their deluge of comic delights, Rai #1 from Matt Kindt and Clayton Crain, a futuristic bit of samurai sci-fi that takes place in Japan in the year 4001 AD. To help stoke the coals of excitement, Valiant has also launched a Pullbox Preview program in which they’ll ship a limited number of preview books to their top 500 retail partners. This preview of Rai #1, packaged with Unity #5, is part of the first wave of Pullbox Previews and also features an early look at Doug Braithwaite’s pencils for the upcoming Armor Hunters #1. Two titles for the price of one preview? Yes, please!


Here’s the official description: In the far future of 4001 A.D., Japan is a single endless city-state, governed by a benevolent artificial intelligence and policed by an army of just one – the mysterious Rai, spirit guardian of the rising sun. But, soon, a single bullet will shatter the peace it has taken 2,000 years to secure…

Click to expand the thumbnails below.

What do you think? Will you be picking up Rai #1? Let us know in the comments below.

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