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Episode 91: You Made It Weird
Thomas Middleditch

You Made It Weird #91: Thomas Middleditch

This is a weird one in a new way. Pete sits down with his old buddy, the hilarious Thomas Middleditch (Improvised Shakespeare Company, Comedy Central’s Mash Up, The Campaign) to discuss the anatomy of a break-up. Specifically, their dude break-up. Why do friends just stop hanging out together? What happened to their bromance?! Well, they get into it and get into it deep. And funny. And weird. Please enjoy, it wasn’t easy to do!

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Austin Weirdos- Get FREE tickets to Pete’s Comedy Central special taping on October 23rd!

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  1. Joe Hammond says:

    Working my way through the play list and I googled Thomas middleditch, and I said, awesome! That’s Ken and Vega! Hey they became friends again! 

  2. Ulka says:

    I really appreciate the realness, honesty, and vulnerability in this interview. And they are both really effing funny.

  3. Ben says:

    This is quite possibly the best YMIW.

  4. Janet says:

    Thomas Middleditch has an interesting cadence/accent. His parents were English? gosh so fun to listen to.

  5. Germ says:

    Such an interesting guest and an amazing impersonator. Boy did they have some weirdness going on.

  6. Thomas Middleditch is a superstar at funny voices! Made for podcasting, and hopefully more profitable endeavors.

  7. Oh man, @Zalzar just wrote some epic taglines. Those of us who know Pete’s podcast know that weirding definitely can be a verb. Put “Classic Weirding” on one of the YMIW T-Shirts!

  8. Zalzar says:

    Man I could tell this was going to be a good one from Petes intro.

    Classic weirding. Classic truth. Classic Pete.

  9. Adam S says:

    Keep up the solid podcasts Pete!

    Your podcasts take listeners inside the world of comedy like no other podcast I’ve come across (including WTF). I enjoy WTF and CBB, but I really love your indepth covos with the big names in comedy and stand up.

    I’m a comedy podcastaholic, but yours is now my #1, keep it crispy!

  10. Devin says:

    This was a great ‘cast. It was fascinating and sad but beautiful. It was totally interesting to actually listen to a conversation like this. I bet all of us could have or have wanted to have a one on one like this with someone. I envy your ability to open up so much and be so truthful. Your both frackin hilarious and should remember that you bring happiness to others (usually for free) and are creating new things. Creation is so damn difficult and your doing it live… “trolls” should remember that when the act pissy. What you guys do is beyond difficult and brilliant and i bet the people that don’t get it and are negative create nothing, ever. Great job on the ‘cast. I love your show!

  11. Marc says:

    This was really hard to listen to and I just want to tell Thomas to grow up. We all have problems homie.

  12. Melvin says:

    melvin, Melvin, Melvin, Melvin, Melvin, Melvin, Melvin, Melvin, MELVIN, MELVIN, MELVIN, melvin, melvin, Melvin.

  13. Will says:

    If Pete doesn’t want to be Thomas’ friend then I will.

  14. Spencer says:

    This guys looks and sounds like Fran Kranz’s brother.

  15. Kyle says:

    I like this guy.

  16. Lauren says:

    Interesting convo. I’ve gone through a ‘friend’ break-up before and this was sort of cathartic. But also it’s like, ugh.. hashin’ it out.. who cares. Grow up. (not you guys, but to ourselves). It’s hard to let the wounds heal when we revert to the you stole this, blah blah blah.

  17. jimjim says:

    thanks Pete and Thomas for sharing this conversation. Thomas, I went through a very similar breakup and it was nice to hear you speak about it.

  18. Mark says:

    1:25:00-1:27:00 is WONDERFUL

  19. Nick says:

    WOW, his Kumail is spot on.

  20. Gene says:

    Thomas does a really good Kumail.

  21. Mark says:

    I feel terrible for laughing at Deaf Jerry Seinfeld, but I’m pretty certain I could listen to that for 500 weeks.