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Episode 50: You Made It Weird
Chris Thayer

You Made It Weird #50: Chris Thayer

Pete’s good buddy, up-and-coming hilarious comedian Chris Thayer, comes by to make it weird and weird it gets made. Seriously a great dude, a hilarious dude, and some of the best stories Pete’s ever heard. Please enjoy the UNDISCOVERED WEIRDO TREASURE that Pete wants to share with the world. Yes!!

Follow @ChrisThayerSays on Twitter and check out his website!

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Special thanks to Carvin for supplying us with the equipment we need to record this podcast! Check out for more information on recording equipment, guitars, amps and more!

John Pinette, 1964-2014

John Pinette, 1964-2014

Why Jaime Lannister Sunk So Deep and His Chances of Surviving

Why Jaime Lannister Sunk So Deep and His Chances of Surviving

Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Star in Film Adaptation of Jim Henson’s FRAGGLE ROCK

Joseph Gordon-Levitt to Star in Film Adaptation of Jim Henson’s FRAGGLE ROCK



  1. Lisa says:

    I’m still catching up on old YMIW episodes (not looking forward to the day I run out!) and this is seriously one of the funniest episodes I’ve ever heard. I listened to it while walking home from work and was legit laughing out loud for most of the first half and getting funny looks. Chris Thayer is a serious delight. I love that the first half was laugh out loud hilarious and the second was serious, introspective, and smart. I hope you have Chris back again soon, Pete!

  2. jimjim says:

    top funniest episodes ever. Chris is one funny mofo

  3. Josh says:

    I CAN’T stop sayin’ FIVE hundred WEEKS! I can’t be sittin’ HEEERE sayin’ FIVE hundred WEEKS for FIVE hundred WEEKS!

  4. Jerry says:

    getting drunk and talking on instant messenger.

  5. Josh says:

    @puggapugga What pissed you off so much? Just curious…

  6. puggapugga says:

    The first half was really inspired, but at the end when you guys start describing what you “think” atheists believe about morality and the universe it really tweaked my anger holes. But I guess that’s the problem with listening to podcasts as your main source of entertainment; eventually the fact that you will never be able to interrupt the conversation and correct someone on their bullshit will drive you insane.

  7. Travesty says:

    Pete mentions John Mulaney just as much, if not more, than Chelsea. When are we getting a Mulaney interview?

  8. Josh says:

    @Diana you’re funny!

    Most. Definitely. Funniest. Episode. Ever. Also really sincere and great! Awesome ep!

  9. Diana KlemT says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. Chris is so open and warm. As a fellow lesbian, I am inspired by Chris’ candid nature as well her a ability to not be pinned down as a butch or fem lesbian. Truly a beautiful woman that wears the weathered leather of her face well.

  10. Kyle says:

    “There’s sex in the air at Whole Foods.” I never thought about it before but that is so true… and gross!

  11. Pete Holmes says:

    FIVE hundred WEEKS!

  12. onReload says:

    It’s the Cardigans, song: “Love Fool”. Yes, I’m only ~26 minutes in, had to do it. Sorry! Enjoying it!

  13. “Five Hundred Weeks!” so funny.