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Episode 190: You Made It Weird
Nate Bargatze

You Made It Weird #190: Nate Bargatze

Nate Bargatze (Comedy Central! Conan! Jimmy Fallon!) makes it weird!

Follow @natebargatze on Twitter!

Follow @peteholmes on Twitter and Like the show on Facebook. Buy YMIW shirts! Order his new special “Nice Try, The Devil”!

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TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

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The AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. Are on a Highway to Hell in a New Season Two Promo

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SHADOW OF WAR Trailer Brings the Monsters



  1. Pete's Grandma says:

    Pete’s non-stop fake laughing is upsetting. I’m upset. 

  2. JJ says:

    “It’s all too perfect. Tigers are fast…” Yeah, you are describing evolution, aka science.

  3. Zoe says:

    What the fuck is up with how sexist this podcast is getting????

  4. Erin says:

    Best podcast since Jenny Slate!

  5. Jacob says:

    This is great. I’m from North Carolina and now living in NYC trying to do comedy, and Nate makes me think a lot of my NC friends who are earthy and funny at the same time. Glad things are going well for you!

  6. Job says:

    What a great episode. Thanks, Petey Pants!

  7. Robert says:

    Have Jermaine Fowler on please!!!

  8. Lisa says:

    What a great episode! Pete, I know it doesn’t matter to you at all, but given how the first week of NFL playoffs went down, Nate made a SERIOUS sacrifice doing your ladies podcast instead. And thank goodness he did, because I loved this episode! I don’t know what it is lately Pete, but this definitely has changed since you started. Maybe you’re less anxiety ridden? Maybe you’re more aware of who you are now? Whatever it is, you talk about yourself a lot less, and I like hearing you talk about yourself. You make vague mentions of your love life and personal life, but you don’t get into it like you used to, and I personally love that stuff. Understandable if you’re keeping it cas with someone that you don’t want to get into it on a podcast but, I like it! Anyways. Great episode, Pete & Nate.

  9. big jim slade says:

    i love Nate Bargatze. I haven’t listened to the episode yet, but just wanted to share how glad i am to see him on the podcast. Pete, you rule

  10. Scott says:

    Hey anonymous depressed person above, take a look at man’s search for meaning on It’s only 4 hours long and I found it really helpful for dealing with my own problems.

  11. anonymous says:

    So this is heavy, but if Pete ever reads this…
    I’m severely depressed and think about killing myself a lot. One of the things that keeps me going is what you and other comedians do. Sometimes you literally make me laugh to keep from crying. I’ve started to make jokes and it brings me some happiness and solace. Please know how important what you do is to some people and how grateful we are.

  12. “Fingerprints of God”

  13. Whitney says:

    Holy Cow. I would give anything and everything to go surfing with Pete and Rob Bell.

    What a great Ladies’ Podcast!! Thanks Pete and Nate!

  14. comment says:

    It’s hilarious how Pete always looks at things like a first-year psych student

  15. skizzle says:

    This was an interesting episode. It was nice to finally hear someone just admit that they don’t accept science because they’re too stupid to understand it, rather than giving a bunch of bullshit spiritual reasons.

  16. Corey V says:

    hey pete
    love your wise and bitter post-christian life and soul. i run a trolling/parody twitter account, @dating4god …

    would love your critique and advice! we’re trying to thrust ahead after a year of writing and slow come success. think about it! shoot me an email or a dm.

    to whet your whistle, here is one of my fav recent tweets:

    Two questions. Girls, are you helping him grow? Guys, are you stretching her? #hisloveisdeep #herloveiswide

  17. Brendan L says:

    Pete, I love how you generally don’t know much about sports, but then use “audible” perfectly in an analogy…not sure how Nate didn’t get phased by your man lingo during girl chat podcast time!

  18. Jack says:

    Sorry I commented twice. A message told me that the first one didn’t come through.

  19. Jack says:

    Hey, just a quick thing: it’s Pascal’s wager, not Vidal’s wager.

    Congrats on getting more show!

  20. Jack says:

    Just a quick thing: it’s Pascal’s wager, not Vidal’s wager.

    Love the podcast, love that it’s free.

    Congratulations on getting more show!

  21. Rob III says:

    RENEWED!!! Whew. Congrats, Pete!

  22. Rob III says:

    RENEWED!!! Whew. Congrats, Pete!

  23. Drew says:

    Oh hell yeah my Bargatze campaign worked! This is awesome. And the episode does not disappoint. Great work Petey Pants