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Episode 128: You Made It Weird
Glennis McCarthy

You Made It Weird #128: Glennis McCarthy

Glennis McCarthy (UCB! I Eat Pandas! Comedy!) makes it weird.

Follow @phantomglennis on Twitter!

Follow @peteholmez on Twitter and Like the show on Facebook. Buy YMIW shirts and Pete’s album “Impregnated with Wonder”!

This episode is brought to you by Eddie Pepitone’s “The Bitter Buddha”, available now on iTunes and more!


Remembering Richard Jeni

Remembering Richard Jeni

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

Explaining SUSPIRIA's Crazy Ending

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.



  1. Petey! You made a Mad Balls reference! I totally had one of those! Proves this is the best podcast ever.

  2. Thomas Grant says:

    This is absolutely amazing.

  3. Tyler says:

    I fight daily with what Glennis was talking about around 44 minute mark. I’m so jealous that you guys get to just tell the truth. Hope I figure it out someday.

  4. Glennis is very old timey looking. You should put her and Jon Mulaney in a 40s sketch of some kind. Maybe a fake commercial for your show. “Hey, I hear old Pete Holmes has got his own show now! Thinks he’s some sort of Groucho Marx. Let’s quick catch the trolley back to my place and watch.” …Or something funny.

  5. Sarah says:

    Pete, I love your show. If it makes you feel better, while I listen to your show I’m usually folding laundry, picking up toys, cleaning bathrooms, those sort of non leisure type things. At night, after the kids are in bed, I do love to listen to the podcast while I lie on the couch playing Tetris or while browsing Pinterest. So, it not all play and no work. But listening to you yelp out your little milkaholic phrase makes even doing dishes more enjoyable.

  6. Paige says:

    The Frank Lloyd Wright and the Andrew Lloyd Weber confusion…I cried laughing.

  7. Lila says:


  8. Steffan says:


    …not, commoditize.

    Love it Pete,
    Just saw your show last Friday in Madison (the early show) – Crispy as shit! My friends and I (there were 8 of us) really enjoyed how you turned the crowd work into recurring life characters, in a way. Gimli, Cal, Taylor, Dan, and Lindsay… I was drunk and I still remember all of them. So thanks for a fantastic night, and making my friend’s 23rd birthday memorable!

    Also, I saw you like exactly a year ago when you were in Madison, and will continue to make it out to your shows (and bring friends) whenever you’re in town. Thanks for the laughs, and hope you’re well.

  9. Patty Marvel says:

    PETE! Just read the news about your TV show following Conan! Congrats man! Hurray for steady paychecks!!!!!

    Yet another member of Team Nerdist proving nice guys can finish FIRST!

  10. kw says:

    i love this podcast so much.

    this has no relevance to this particular episode but it’s all love either way.

    i think it comes from the 200th episode with Chelsea “He Who Must Not Be Named” Peretti. there’s a quote something along the lines of “the biggest difference between Marc Maron and Pete Holmes is that Maron calls himself ‘Maron’ and Pete calls himself ‘Ol’ Petey Pants.”

    Every time i think of this line, which is at least once a week, i laugh out loud.

    this is my favorite podcast and i hope to see you in Grand Rapids.

  11. Nate Gallie says:

    Hi Pete,
    Thanks for another awesome show filled with the perfect balance of light and dark, gritty and great! I appreciate your candidness (Candidiasis?) and every episode presents me with much needed Big Picture questions and insights to digest and contemplate, as well as amazing humor to punctuate and contrast the deep waters your show and guests explore together.

    I know you care about eating and living right and don’t buy the mainstream garbage, so forgive me if I’m preaching to the choir, but Glennis McCarthy talking about her dad having Alzheimer’s was such synchronicity because I was just reading an article about a Dr. using plain coconut oil to achieve great improvements in her husband’s condition, and people are replicating it all over, family member’s swear by it, etc. Food = Medicine makes the most sense to me, especially considering the diet nursing home patients usually receive; the brain is only conductive because of the fats it’s made of, and after enough crap food, the brain is made of synthetic crap.
    Also, after the apocalypse your show becomes simply “You Made It! with Pete Holmes.”

    Take care and best regards,

  12. Roman says:

    realized my comment could have come across harsh, but I just meant to say that you should be aware of your confirmation bias.

    An analogy for the neurologist vs neurosurgeon is a mechanic vs a aerospace engineer.

  13. Roman says:


    Huge difference between a neurosurgeon, and a neurologist.

    I know you really want to believe this stuff, but your own confirmation bias is killing your critical thinking skills.

  14. Joseph says:

    Peter Rabbi? Bubbe bunny? Rabbitz Kibbitz? hmmm…

  15. John says:

    Great ep, you two! Sounds like Matt and Glennis are perfect for each other. Also, when my mom finally caved and bought me Fruity Pebbles, it was the greatest moment of my life.

  16. Alec says:

    Pete, I want to chime in on your discussion on privilege. I think the problem is that you and Glennis were using a different definition of the word than people who’re using it as a negative label.

    It’s not about coming from a ritzy background, but about being tone deaf about how things might be for other people. Accusations of privilege come from a (perceived) lack of understanding of other groups’ situations, or an assumption that the world works everybody the way it does for you. It’s the same general idea as the bit where you call your old evangelical church “regular.”

    Or if you have five minutes to spare:—neutral-man-s-burden

  17. Tom says:

    Fun stuff! Just curious, you mentioned a cussing phase as a kid. I too remember going through that phase and reveling in the freedom of doing a “bad thing” with little chance of getting caught. I wonder if this was the start of deciding for myself what was right and what was wrong. Anyone else have this same experience or thoughts about this?

  18. Jenna Meyer says:

    Hey Pete love you …but not all of the world has “too much leisure” some are raising families and working full time jobs–so don’t worry we are all holding up the balance for you 🙂
    I am happy to do laundry 5 times a week and care for other people’s children as well as my own just to make sure that “the Road” doesn’t happen for you 🙂
    PS I am a total MILF

  19. Jared says:

    “You can only see Gil if you believe.”

    “Where did you find this ground candy?”

    Glengarry Glennis Mccarthy was fun.

  20. Jay17 says:

    Ive been trying to find nake pics of katie on the web……jk……. anywaya ugh are their any

  21. Alicia says:

    Oh how I love when Peteypants can gab with a gal!! They are always my favorite episodes. Keep up the great work Pete!!

  22. melfmelfman says:

    cookie crisp, ew ewwwwww

  23. melfmelfman says:

    mcmurray or mccarthy im confusered

  24. jay says:

    One of us, one of us!

  25. Kelly says:

    I’d like to meet Divinspiration Miracle Whip one day. I bet she’s a lovely person.

  26. R BEAVER says:


  27. Jeff G says:

    Did your parents break the glass under their rabbit’s foot at their wedding? MAZEL TOV!!!

  28. Mark says:

    also: get out of here, devin!

  29. Mark says:

    Hilarious episode! Singing to an unknown pop song is fucking great, please do that every episode.

  30. melf melfman says:

    have since bought a you made it movies, a tshirt and his standup alblam

  31. Melissa says:

    baby voices, accents, and singing. It doesnt get any better than that!!!!

  32. Sheila says:

    They really seemed to be having fun! Such a pleasure to hear!

  33. Briana says:

    I genuinely would’ve been more than pleased if they had done the whole podcast in their southern accents.

  34. jsl says:

    The Rabbi-t High Holy Day of Kharrot

  35. Justin says:

    Glennis McMulholland Drive! “One of my faves” … Typical Peter Holmes, psshh 😀

  36. Gene says:

    Intro fail? Glennis McMultry?