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Working The Third Shift With the Kids in the Hall

Bruce McCulloch plays a convenience store worker whose behavior, caught on security cameras, is being reviewed by executives Dave Foley and Mark McKinney on this week’s classic Kids in the Hall sketch on the Nerdist Channel. There’s understandable concern over the clerk’s actions, but they have some helpful suggestions.

Subscribe to the Nerdist Channel for first word on every new show and episode as they post. But we’re all out of jerky.

Experience Fantasy Football GAME OF THRONES-Style in Our New “Fantasy Fantasy…

Experience Fantasy Football GAME OF THRONES-Style in Our New “Fantasy Fantasy…

Daniel Radcliffe's Penis Saves the Day in SWISS ARMY MAN Red Band Trailer

Daniel Radcliffe's Penis Saves the Day in SWISS ARMY MAN Red Band Trailer

This Striking T-Shirt Celebrates the Return of a Popular STAR WARS Character

This Striking T-Shirt Celebrates the Return of a Popular STAR WARS Character



  1. Brry says:

    These are nicer. Keep doings them