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Woody and Buzz’s Feud Gets the BATMAN V SUPERMAN Treatment in Mash-Up Trailer

Woody and Buzz Lightyear have gone down in cinematic history as two of the best onscreen buds ever, but let’s not forget how combative their relationship was when it began in the first Toy Story. Buzz was the hot new toy, and Woody’s jealousy, combined with Buzz’s brash and not-yet-relaxed (or, for that matter, particularly sane) character, led to some early tension. Maybe the animosity wasn’t as dangerous as the heroes of the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie, but CineMash’s mash-up trailer, above, sure makes it seem like it was.

The dark and shadowy lighting, sinister glances between Buzz and Woody, and dramatic music scoring the whole thing kicks the Woody and Buzz feud up a notch, and the added gunfire effects on the toy soldiers’ guns is hysterical. We’ve also never heard Bo Peep sound so sinister. Forgive us for geeking out here, but this video also reminded us of how great Toy Story was visually, especially since it was released in 1995. The animation is 20 years old but it has hardly aged at all.

As for this movie’s tagline, we think YouTube commenter The Jackass got it right: “Devils don’t come from hell beneath us… No… they come from Andy’s room.” Speaking of Andy’s room, we’re also looking forward to Toy Story Land, an upcoming new section of Hollywood Studios that is set in Andy’s backyard and will feature an alien saucers ride, as well as a coaster with Slinky Dog carts.

HT: ScreenCrush
Featured image courtesy of deviantArt // Sketch-Monkey

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