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Is WONDER WOMAN ’84 the Title of the Sequel?

The sequel to last year’s smash Wonder Woman starts filming soon, and although we’ve learned a few tidbits here and there about Patty Jenkins‘ follow up film, the movie currently doesn’t have a title. Is it just Wonder Woman 2, or is it something more poetic? Well, DC’s chief creative officer Geoff Johns recently changed his Twitter header to a new logo which suggests that Gal Gadot‘s second outing as the Amazing Amazon may very well be called Wonder Woman ’84. Look at the image:

So, what significance does the year 1984 have for Diana in the comics? In terms of decades, Wonder Woman is most closely associated with the 1940s, the era in which she debuted and was a huge seller, and the 1970s, the time period when the Lynda Carter television series was on the air. However, the latter half of the ’80s was a huge time for the character; it was when writer/artist George Perez took the reigns of the character and gave her a top to bottom reboot, one which heavily informed the film version that we got last year. The casting of Kristen Wiig as the Barbara Minerva incarnation of the Cheetah, a Perez creation, also suggests an ’80s comics influence.

In 1984, Wonder Woman worked for the United Nations Crisis Bureau in the pages of DC Comics, so it is possible those stories could serve as inspiration, even if they’re not as well known as the later Perez stories. Certainly, the real world of 1984 could give the filmmakers plenty of story fodder to use–the Olympics were held in the U.S. that year, and the Cold War was at its peak. Not to mention, 1984 was a stellar pop culture year; it was the year that gave us classics like Ghostbusters, The Terminator, Footloose, and many more. Music wise, it was the year Michael Jackson’s Thriller became the best selling album of all time, Prince’s Purple Rain ruled, and Madonna began her pop charts dominance. So, there’s no excuse why a Wonder Woman ’84 shouldn’t have maybe the best soundtrack ever.

What are you hoping for in a Wonder Woman sequel set in the ’80s? Think the stars might actually appear on her costume this time? Be sure to let us know your ideas down below in the comments.

Images: Warner Brothers/DC Comics

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