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Winners of the STAR WARS Fan Film Contest Are Incredible

Winners of the STAR WARS Fan Film Contest Are Incredible

It probably comes as no surprise that we here at appreciate fandom. Celebrating the things people love is sort of our bread and butter and we thank our lucky stars that there are so many people out in the world who are passionate about the things they love. And with all the different shows, TV, books and games that inspire all sorts of fandom, we have to ask, is there anything better than a die-hard Star Wars fan? We think not. Especially after seeing this year’s winners of the Star Wars Fan Film Awards.

It may be taken for granted but there is something incredibly awesome about Star Wars (as a company) embracing the things fans create. In a world where companies threaten legal action over the smallest use of any intellectual property, it’s downright refreshing that the people behind Star Wars not only make it OK for fans to create their own stories, but even give prizes for it. And this year’s winners certainly went all out to create some astonishing things. Here are a few of our favorites.

The Sable Corsair

This short tells the tale of a crashed ship sometime… well, we’re not really sure of the time since a certain bounty hunter is doing the Empire’s dirty work and there also appear to be both other Jedi and Sith knocking about. Crashed in some sandy locale, the crew of a downed ship stumble upon a chest of Kaiburr crystals and are captured soon after. What’s impressive about this film is the speed in which we get to know the crew. The captain and first mate(?) are immediately likable with their banter and the rapport between the rest of the crewmates gives off a certain Firefly vibe.

TK-436: A Stormtrooper Story

Ugh, this one is so heartbreakingly good at humanizing Stormtroopers. The narration from a trooper who has bought into the anti-rebellion propaganda of his military starts the film, but we’re soon shown his internal conflict between the duties of a soldier and the life he had before Empire. It’s a unique look at the Star Wars universe that lends a bit of realism to what we’ve see onscreen for decades. There are people behind those Stormtrooper helmets and those people have loved ones. It’s quick, gritty, and shows a side of the Star Wars universe that undoubtedly happens in that world, but we rarely get to see it.

STAR WARS: Generations

We didn’t want to end on a downer of the brutality of war, so we give you this absolutely sweet portrayal of the love of the franchise across generations. In it, a boy and his grandfather share a special bond over their love of Star Wars showing that you’re never too old to be a Jedi. The grandfather is portrayed as, let’s say, a bit off and shows that he may believe a bit too strongly in the films. However, the bit of whimsy that ends the short shows us that the Force is actually quite strong in him.

Be sure to check out the rest of this year’s winners at and like and share your favorites so that these budding filmmakers can get the recognition they deserve not only as creators but as some of the most epic Star Wars fans out there.

Which fan film was your favorite? Let’s discuss in the comments below!

Image: Star Wars/Disney, Chris Finch

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