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Win a DVD Prize Pack from FREE BIRDS

No, it has nothing to do with the Lynyrd Skynyrd song. The new animated film Free Birds is in theaters now, just in time for Thanksgiving. It tells the story of two turkeys – a smart but scrawny one named Reggie (played by Owen Wilson) and a typically dumb but beefy and persuasive one named Jake (played by Woody Harrelson) who go back in time using a secret government egg-shaped time machine to try to prevent their species from being the feast at the first Thanksgiving, thus changing the main course forever. It’s a very noble goal.

Free Birds was co-written and co-produced by friend of Nerdist and FEaB co-host Scott Mosier, and because it’s a big love-in, we’re offering a really sweet Free Birds-themed DVD prize package that you can win essentially just by reading this.


A winner will receive a 3-month subscription to Netflix, the online media-viewing magnate. That’s 3 whole months for free! Do you know how many movies and/or TV shows you can watch with that? The answer is “a whole lot of.” But that’s not all the cool stuff, no siree. You also get four DVDs: The Fantastic Mr. Fox (which has a similar theme and features Owen Wilson), The Hunger Games (again, survival, and co-stars Woody Harrelson), the first season of Parks and Recreation (which stars Free Birds co-star Amy Poehler), and Horton Hears a Who (directed by Free Birds director Jimmy Hayward). Now THAT’s entertainment, to coin a phrase no one else has ever said.

All you need to do to enter is have a valid email address and tell us in the comments below what your favorite Thanksgiving Day food is BESIDES turkey. We’re trying to get people away from turkey. Tofurkey is fine. That’s it! Just a comment and a dream (dream optional). But you’ve only got until Thursday, November 14th, 2013 to enter or you’ll be as out of luck as most of the fine feathered fowls are this time of year.

This Thanksgiving, give the birds a rest and instead feast your eyes on some cinematic deliciousness. Like Free Birds, in theaters now.


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  1. Abby says:

    Sweet potato casserole or green bean casserole, All of the casseroles!

  2. Neiddy says:

    Mashed potatoes & gravy and dinner rolls!

  3. Mark Torres says:

    I love to eat Tamales in Thanksgiving. It’s like our family tradition to eat both turkey and tamales and, just recently, pumpkin pies. Also, I dream to become a successful father of two children one day because I love children and I want to have a family, as silly as it sounds.

  4. Sarah Grace says:

    Cornbread! <3