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WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY? Bill Nye’s Actually

Hypothesis: You can use a respected science communicator to produce sincere comedy if you pair him with a talented performer. Conclusion: Ryan Stiles can transform Bill Nye into The Improv Guy.

What laboratory performed the experiment? The famous bow tie-wearing science guy joined the cast of Whose Line is it Anyway? and showed off both his comedy chops as well as his dance moves.

First Nye provided the inspiration for a Wayne Brady 50s rockabilly-style song that was all about the Nye-named dance, “The Click.” For a dancer he’s not a bad scientist. I kid, I kid. In fact he probably gets the nod over the show’s host, Aisha Tyler, who joined him on stage.

A little later Bill joined Ryan Stiles (and the arms of Colin Mochrie) for the vintage Whose Line game “Helping Hands”:

He wasn’t quite done yet, because they brought him out for the show-ending game of reading the credits, done as two scientists in the Arctic with wildlife walking around them.

These clips make me sad that Mr. Wizard never made an appearance on The Kids in the Hall.

As far as I’m concerned the famous-scientists-from-television gauntlet has been thrown down. You hear that Neil deGrasse Tyson? I expect you to pop up on the season premier of Saturday Night Live with your best Donald Trump impression. That would be yooge.

So what other shows do you think could use an injection of Bill Nye The Science Guy? Please use the scientific method to present your case in the comments below.

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