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When Pals Write Books: The Felicia Day Story (Coming Soon)

Exciting news from the internet today! Our awesome and amazing pal Felicia Day is writing a book! Not like she’s sitting down at the computer right this second and typing “Part One” into a Word document as so many of us have done in the past. Nope! She has a release date and everything! Check it out:

You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) is slated to hit shelves in August of 2015. Day says it’s a memoir, and she is not at all stressed out about the fact that she’s writing a book, hasn’t finished the book, and is talking about said book all at the same time. It’s not stress eating when you have a smile on your face, right? That’s the rule?

Stress eating aside, this writer is pretty excited to read more stories from the Chronicles of Day. She promises tales of homeschooling, video games, moving to Hollywood and running our sister-company Geek & Sundry. Plus, there was modeling, and there are pictures, and if you think things can ever die on the internet? Well, there are a lot of scrunchies and florescent clothing out there to prove that you are wrong, my friend! Look forward to Day adding more to that catalogue of hilarity with this book.

You can follow along as exciting things happen in the evolution of this book on her new website,, so you’ll always know about release details, signing locations, and super important things like cover design. Personally, we’re hoping a liger is featured in there somewhere, somehow even if it’s just photoshopped into this incredible mock-up cover she revealed on instagram today.


So put You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) on your mental TBR pile, and keep an eye on the internet so you always know what’s happening the world of ligers. Tell us why you’re excited for this new book in the comments below!

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