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What’s the Smallest Hole This Mouse Can Get Through?

We live in a world that has been asking this age-old question for years: “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?” Youtuber and woodworker Matthias Wandel decided to ask the no-so age-old question: “How small a hole can a mouse fit through if taunted with peanut butter?” While it is not as fun to say as the former, we are at least able to answer Matthias’ question thanks to this video.

Matthias has created an ingenious (and safe) apparatus that can test the flexibility of mice as they try to push themselves through holes of various sizes to get a peanut butter treat. From the start, the mouse is able to get through a 19mm hole, as well as a 17.5. As the holes became smaller, the ambition of the mouse got less and less. Thankfully, Matthias was treated to a surprise visitor in the form of a shrew. While it seemed too big to fit in the holes, the drive of the shrew was greater than its size, as it was able to get through the 17mm hole, the best achievement of the two rodents. Let’s just hope that neither animal had any peanut allergies; otherwise, Matthias has another issue on his hands.

You can see more videos from Matthias on his YouTube channel here.

So what do you think? What other animals would you like to see test their flexibility? Let me know on Twitter @donnielederer or sound off in the comments below.

Image: Matthias Wandel

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