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Well, PAX Prime has come and gone, and if you didn’t get to nab as much swag as you would have liked, don’t worry: this month, Microsoft and Sony are offering up some free games that you won’t have to wait in line for.

The action-packed time travel platformer Super Time Force is now available for the Xbox One for those with a Gold membership. Don’t have anyone to play with, but hate going through games alone? Super Time Force‘s claim to fame is its neat ability to play with your past selves! Yeah. It’s a time trip. Last month’s Crimson Dragon will remain free for an undetermined time frame, so nab that as well if you haven’t already.

Become a master thief with Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine, which is free for Xbox 360 Gold players until the September 15. From the 16th ’til the end of the month, Monaco will be replaced with Halo: Reach, just in time for the Halo Master Chief Edition to roll out.

On the Sony PS Plus front, sci-fi thriller Velocity 2X  is free for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita players. If you’re looking to get up and play with a PlayStation Move Motion Controller, then pick up Sportsfriends for PS4 and PS3. The game features not-so-typical sports games made for at-home parties.

And if you’re looking for more reasons to get in scuffles with your buddies, button-mash with PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale free to PS Plus members for the PS3 and PS Plus.

The fast-paced action-strategy medieval game Hoard is also free for PS3 players. Rounding out the final two PS Vita games this month is a stunt-man game, Joe Danger, and psychedelic futuristic shooter TxK.

Personally speaking, this month’s list of free games is introducing me to titles I haven’t even considered playing before, so it’s a nice treat as the summer is quickly winding down. What do you think about this month’s free titles? Let us know in the comments below!

HT: Major Nelson’s Blog, PlayStation Blog

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  1. Kurono says:

    Playstation All-Stars says it’s free for PS3 and Ps Plus when you mean Vita. Just sayin’

  2. DaniBlueFox says:

    I’m so happy about PlayStation All-Stars ! That game is so great and underrated and probably one of the few games I liked in this terrible gen.I’m glad to see that people have the chance to give it a second chance !

    • redhawk44109 says:

      this generation wasn’t bad it gave us some great games like assassin’s creed the return of splinter cell gta and many other epic games

      • DaniBlueFox says:

        Compared to the PS1 and the PS2 era… this gen wasn’t that great, too many shooters and it lacked in variety, I liked PS All-Stars THAT much also because is the only PS3 game of this (so underrated) fighting genre.