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What’s Cookin’? Win “Breaking Bad” Inspired Swag!

There’s a real meth-head to our madness in this latest giveaway. Vannen Watches’ Breaking Bad tribute “Contaminant” watch is sold out and impossible to get, unless you enter Nerdist News’ latest contest. This ain’t no crusty-ass contest, yo! If you win, we’re throwing in a second watch for your partner.

Bolster your inner Bryan Cranston with these guilt-free prizes that beat the heck out of a one-eyed pink teddy bear. And while you’re at it, get a healthy dose of Walter’s alter-ego on his Nerdist podcast appearance, meet his partner in crime Jesse Pinkman on Aaron Paul’s podcast and of course their epic bowling contest against Team Hardwick…

The contest ends Aug. 17th, and you can score bonus entries on Nerdist News’ Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages. Unlike Mr. White, you can have a very happy ending. Or, in the paraphrased words of Mr. Pinkman, “Yeah, bitch! Contest!”

Exclusive: Watch ‘Eskimo Brothers’, THE LEAGUE’S Jon Lajoie’s…

Exclusive: Watch ‘Eskimo Brothers’, THE LEAGUE’S Jon Lajoie’s…

Exclusive Interview: SUITS Creator/Showrunner Aaron Korsh

Exclusive Interview: SUITS Creator/Showrunner Aaron Korsh

Rey Toys are Coming At Last!

Rey Toys are Coming At Last!



  1. susan says:

    coool site and a great way to win prizes

  2. joe says:

    win a cool watch, all you have to do is rat out on your friends.

    NOT cool at all.

  3. Benjamin Guzman says:

    BReaking Bad Is tHe BEst Show On TElevision