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What Does TWIN PEAKS’ Latest Dream Sequence Mean?

Episode 14 of Twin Peaks is easily one of David Lynch’s wildest episodes yet, with only the nuclear fallout of episode eight coming close when it comes when it comes to showcasing Lynch’s surreal signature. Here are some of most pure Lynch moments from episode 14.

The Original Blue Rose Case

In South Dakota, Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer) is telling new “Blue Rose Task Force” recruit Agent Tammy Preston (Chrysta Bell) about the origins of the covert FBI group – specifically, where their name came from. He tells her about a time back in 1975 when young Agents Gordon Cole (David Lynch) and Phillip Jeffries (David Bowie) investigated a murder in Olympia, WA.

According to Albert, the duo arrived at a motel to arrest a murder suspect named Lois Duffy. After hearing a gunshot, they found two women inside, one one lying on the floor dying from a gunshot wound, the other standing over her with a gun. They identified the injured woman as Lois Duffy, who spoke her last words to Cole and Jeffries–“I’m like the blue rose”–before dying and vanishing into thin air. That’s when they noticed that the woman who killed her was also Lois Duffy. (And no, she didn’t have a twin, Albert says.) Following her arrest, the second Lois later hanged herself. But what is the significance of the word “blue rose” in all this?  It’s Agent Preston who points out to Albert: “A blue rose is something that does not occur in nature.”

Gordon Cole then enters, followed by Diane (Laura Dern) and tells her, Albert, and Tammy about his latest “Monica Bellucci dream.” In the dream, which is all shot in black and white, Cole finds himself in Paris on a case. Monica calls him (and yes, she does indeed play herself) and meets him in a cafe. When they meet, Cooper is there, but Cole can’t see his face.

Monica then tells Cole, “We are like the dreamer who dreams, and then lives inside the dream,” and then adds, “But who is the dreamer?” At this point, Gordon turns around, and he sees himself, 26 years earlier, in his old Philadelphia office. Agent Phillip Jeffries suddenly appears, who then points to Dale Cooper and says, “Who do you think that is there?”

This portion of the dream is, of course, re-purposed footage from Fire Walk with Me, featuring younger versions of Lynch, MacLachlan, Ferrer, and the late David Bowie as Agent Jeffries. Dreams have always played an important part in the narrative of David Lynch’s work–the dream in episode three of the original series drives the whole narrative, and the bulk of Mulholland Drive takes place within a dream. Could a large part of the show be within someone’s dream? And is that dream Dale Cooper’s?

Welcome to the White Lodge

Sheriff Truman (Robert Forster), Hawk (Michael Horse), Bobby Briggs (Dana Ashbrook), and Andy (Harry Goaz) follow the late Major Briggs’ instructions and go on a trip through the woods to “Jack Rabbit’s Palace,” a spot that the Major took his young son Bobby decades before. Nearby, we see smoke coming from the woods, and a circular pool in a clearing. As they approach the location, the find the eyeless woman, who is credited as “Naido” (Nae Yuuki), who Agent Cooper encountered way back in episode three, and was last seen falling through space. She’s completely nude, and making the same strange chattering noises she did when trying to communicate with Cooper before.

Suddenly, a vortex appears in the sky above them, and Andy is sucked in. He finds himself sitting in the same room Agent Cooper was in at the very start of the series, positioned right in front of the Giant. Is this finally our introduction to much talked about White Lodge? The Giant introduces himself as “the Fireman,” and suddenly a strange contraption appears in Andy’s hand.

Smoke rises from the contraption, and as it starts to linger above him, we see a series of images appear in quick succession: the “Mother” creature who killed the two young lovers in New York, her giving birth to BOB in 1945, the Woodsmen, the morning Laura Palmer was found dead, and Laura herself, flanked by two angels. He sees the two Dale Coopers, as the image begins to shake violently. We see Andy taking his wife Lucy into a room, and an electrical pole with the number “6.” With that, Andy vanishes.

He returns to our world, holding Naido, and tells the rest of the officers, “She is very important, and people want her dead.” They take her back to the Sheriff’s station for safe keeping. Hawk, Truman and Bobby seem to barely remember what just happened to them, but they do know that something happened.

Why was Andy the one to get pulled into the White Lodge? Well, he’s always been the kindest soul of the entire cast of the show going back to the very start, so maybe like a mythical Arthurian Knight Quest, entering into the White Lodge is something only the purest of heart can achieve. For all his tendencies towards darkness in his work, if you watch the endings of Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart and Fire Walk With Me, you know that at his core, Lynch believes that goodness and purity wins in the end. Given that, it’s no wonder Deputy Andy is the hero of the moment.

“Do You Really Want to F— with This?”

This is one of Lynch’s craziest scenes yet, and that’s saying something. Sarah Palmer (Grace Zabriskie) wanders into a local bar and orders a drink. She sits alone with her drink, when a skeezy trucker type with a shirt that says “Truck You” at the end of the bar decides to try and put the moves on her. Sarah tells him to mind his own business and please leave her alone. He then gets ugly, as misogynists often do when women simply aren’t interested, and begins to call her a litany of vulgar insults.

Sarah then turns to him and removes her face, similarly to how her daughter Laura did in the Black Lodge in episode two, and inside her face is pure blackness…except for a giant creepy mouth which smiles and asks “Do you really want to fuck with this?” Sarah then attacks the guy, ripping his throat out. As “Truck You Guy” bleeds out on the floor, Sarah screams, saying that he just collapsed. The bartender doesn’t believe her, what with the man’s throat is gone, and calls the cops. Sarah responds coyly to the stunned bartender who believes she just killed the guy, saying, “Yeah, sure is a mystery, huh?”

So what the hell is going on with Mrs. Palmer? In previous episodes, we thought she was drinking herself to an early grave, but now we see she is possessed by something just like her husband Leland was. Could it be that the little girl in episode eight’s New Mexico flashback, who had the strange insect creature enter her via her mouth, actually be Sarah Palmer? And is that creature just now waking up inside of her? All signs point to “yes.”

What could all this possibly mean? We’re not sure, but there are only four episodes left for Lynch and Frost to explain all this madness and give the series a proper conclusion. Can it possibly happen? Stay tuned.

What do you think of all the crazy happenings on Twin Peaks’ latest episode? Be sure to let us know down below in the comments.

Images: Showtime

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