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We’re Obsessed with Lyanna Mormont, GAME OF THRONES’ Best New Character

Hi Game of Thrones fans! This post contains minor spoilers for “The Broken Man,” so if you haven’t seen the new episode yet, you may want to stay away for fear of spoilers. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Have you heard the news in the North? We’ve got a new favorite comeback queen and, no, it’s not Lady Olenna Tyrell. Her name is Lyanna Mormont and we’re completely obsessed with the newest Lady of the North and her arrival to the Game of Thrones scene. She’s not exactly a major character in the books, but in only 5 minutes of screen time (if that?), she’s certainly stolen our hearts here at Nerdist and become a new favorite in a sea of already badass Westerosi babes. So what better way to do that then with GIFs and information from the books themselves?


Now, we already knew Lyanna was a woman of her own mind when we heard this about her last season:

Stannis Baratheon: “Do you know this wretched girl? Lyanna Mormont.”
Jon Snow: “The Lord Commander’s niece.”
Stannis Baratheon: “The Lady of Bear Island and a child of ten. I asked her to commit her House to my cause. That’s her response.”
Jon Snow: [reading aloud] “‘Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark’.”


But to actually meet her was another matter entirely, because we had no idea the girl was MADE OF SUCH SASS. (Something tells me she and the Queen of Thorns would get along famously.) “Lady Sansa is a Bolton…or is she a Lannister?” she quipped at the duo’s insistence that they join their forces in the name of returning House Stark to greatness. And, yes, she also burned ol’ Jonny boy for his Snow-y namesake.


So who, exactly, is Lyanna Mormont? Cousin to Ser Jorah “the Nice Guy” Mormont—her uncle being his father, Jeor Mormont, former Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch prior to Jon Snow—she is the daughter of Maege Mormont, the “She-Bear” of their house. Oh, and she was named after Lyanna Stark, who died a few years before she was born.

…And we all know how major Lyanna is when it comes to the lore behind Game of Thrones!


In the books, Maege is still alive—she and her older daughters are strewn about the Realm for reasons currently unknown, leaving Lyanna as the little lady in charge (sorta like the Starks back in season two, right? Baby Rickon and Bran status). On the show, however, it is revealed that Maege is dead, having died in battle for Robb Stark, which may explain why there’s been such a change of heart in regards to the family’s 1,000-year-long Stark allegiance. Thank goodness for Westeros’ #1 Currently Alive Dad, Ser Davos Seaworth, for bringing her back into the fold—for now. Given her brawny countenance and impressive ruling skills, we’re sure it won’t be as simple as all that; hopefully that means more Lyanna Mormont in the future.

Do you want to see more Lady Lyanna? Let us know in the comments below!

And—because we can’t stop—let’s talk about where the heck Gendry may be this season with the rest of the cast, shall we?

Images: HBO

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor, co-host of Fangirling, and resident Khaleesi of House Nerdist. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes).

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