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WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE Trailer: Is Jean-Claude Van Damme a Comedian Now?

International martial artist and king of the Belgians Jean-Claude Van Damme has made a comedy film, and frankly, the whole thing looks super nuts. There’s a plane-crashed office retreat gone awry, a cast of unmitigated weirdos, and Van Damme as the only one with the know-how to get them out. If you loved Office Space but wish it had gone in a bit more of a Lord of the Flies direction, this is the film of your dreams. I mean, hey, if you can’t beat your cheesy ’80s/’90s image, might as well capitalize on it, right? That’s one small split betwixt two trucks for man, one giant leap for Van Damme.

It’s the action star’s first full-on comedy outing, and he’s got some of the more absurdist funny folk in the game helping him out, including Rob Huebel and Kristen Schaal. Even former The O.C. dreamboat Adam Brody gets in on the action, alongside Dennis Haysbert and the star of NBC’s The Blacklist, Megan Boone. JCVD plays a survival instructor slash team-builder named Storm Rothchild because of course.

Man, Welcome to the Jungle looks chockablock with low-brow comedy weird. There are poop jokes, vagina jokes, more than one instance of a person peeing on another, hallucinogenic drug consumption, and tigers, because JCVD always has to fight a tiger or two. We’ll just leave the trailer here and let you decide.

Welcome to the Jungle swings into theaters via limited release on February 7, 2014.

HT: /Film

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  2. Dayani says:

    I have been waiting for Jean Claude Van Damme to come out in a movie and I’m excited! 😀

  3. Eleanor says:

    Awesome stuff! Can’t wait for the movie!!!

  4. Brian says:

    I’m there. I hope it gets a theatrical release.