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Weekend Earworms: Pogo’s ‘Nicey Nicey’ and ‘Jaaam’

Whether you call them “earworms,” “brainworms” or “super-catchy-songy-things”–getting a song stuck in your head can be worse than not having a proper third example of what you’re writing about.

On the flipside of that, getting a particularly good song stuck in your head can be one of the best things ever. An estimated 98% of us experience “Song Stuck Syndrome,” and despite the annoying times that we can’t get a chorus or a hook of an overplayed pop song out of our heads, a really good earworm can can get us through a tough day at work, through mundane chores, or even help us kick ass at the gym.

We here at are dead-set on bringing you those types of songs, if only for the weekend. We’ll be scouring the internet for the best earworms we can shove into your meaty brains!

Today’s earworm is brought to us by musician and YouTuber Pogo, Hailing from Perth, Australia.
Nick Bertke, “Pogo” if you’re nasty, has four full length albums and eight EPs but where he really shines is in his YouTube remixes where he samples from movies, video games and TV to create original songs.

This earworm specifically, sampling from the cult British show The Mighty Boosh, is “Nicey Nicey”

Where Pogo particularly excels is his ability to build such earwormy goodness from such a wide range of samples from so many episodes of The Mighty Boosh. Fans of the show will recognize clips from all over their different seasons and yet Pogo is able to construct an incredibly catchy and and cohesive song. It also certainly helps that The Mighty Boosh was, to begin with, a very musical show.
There’s no doubt we’d want to feature Pogo dozens of times and we very well might. However, for now, if “Nicey Nicey” doesn’t do it for you, here’s another one of our favorites from Pogo using samples from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

What’s an earworm you love? How about one you can’t stand? Suggest one in the comments or attack me (@TheBlakeRodgers) with some earworms on twitter.

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