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WB Announces THE JUSTICE LEAGUE VR Experience

With Justice League nearly upon us, and now Warner Bros and DC Entertainment are stepping up promotion for their hotly anticipated superhero film with the Justice League Virtual Reality Experience. The experience allows fans to step into the shoes and become some of the most iconic DC Super heroes. The Justice League VR experience will be rolled out in stages—to be released prior to, during, and after the theatrical opening of Justice League, on November 17, 2017.

The experience kicks off with Gillette: Justice League VR: Join the League – Gillette Edition on September 7, when fans  of the DC pantheon of heroes will be able to download the app for iPhone and Android phones from the Apple App Store, the Google Play Store and at The demo offers fans an interactive gaze-based experience with as much as 90 seconds of gameplay per character (Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg). Fans will require a Google Cardboard or an equivalent VR viewer to play.

Following that, at New York Comic Con in October, attendees will get a sneak peak of the HTC Vive version of the experience with the Justice League VR: Join the League – New York Comic Con Edition. Players will utilize the HTC Vive’s controllers for an enhanced version of the Super Hero simulations. The experience will be held at at the Javits Center from October 5 – October 8.

Then on November 17, at the same time the movie is released to theaters nationwide, The IMAX VR: Justice League Experience will be unveiled at IMAX VR Centres and will remain an IMAX exclusive for the first two weeks of the film’s release. The immersive and interactive adventure will test your skills to see if you’re able to master your Super Hero powers. For more details and locations you can head on over to

And finally, in December, the Justice League VR experience will conclude with the expanded Justice League Virtual Reality: The Complete Experience, a transactional purchase available on multiple VR platforms. The expanded experience will feature additional modes and expanded missions, the home-based VR experience will support controllers, spatial tracking, and room scale tracking, depending on your platform. Targeted platforms include HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Samsung GearVR, Google DayDream and Sony PSVR (these are all subject to change).

The missions included will allows fans to play as the Justice League members and see if you can master their powers:. You can outrace your enemies as Batman, fight Parademons as Wonder Woman, face a creature from the deep as Aquaman, stop a ticking bomb as the Flash, and take out enemy drones as Cyborg. In addition, other characters from the DC universe may be added into the VR experience. (Can anyone say “Superman?”)

Are you stoked to enter the world of the DC Extended Universe? Let us know down below in the comments.

Images: Warner Brothers / DC Entertainment

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