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Watch the New POKÉMON SUN and MOON Gameplay Trailer

Nintendo has managed to distract us from Pokémon Sun and Moon over the past few months with talk about the re-releases of the original games, Pokémon Go, and Pokken Tournament. But now, there’s finally news to share about the main series of games: There’s a new gameplay trailer, and with it comes tons of new information.

Most importantly, we have new starter Pokémon! There’s the grass/flying-type Rowlet, an owl-like Pokémon that is only the sixth known Pokémon with that unusual type combination (along with Hoppip, Jumpluff, Skiploom, Tropius, and the Sky Forme of Shaymin). Rowlet also knows a new move called Leafage, according to

Image: The Official Pokémon Channel

Next is Litten, a cat-like fire-type Pokémon whose name seems like an obvious portmanteau of “lit” and “kitten.”

Image: The Official Pokémon Channel

And lastly, there’s Popplio, a water-type Pokémon that some speculate is based on the Hawaiian monk seal.

Image: The Official Pokémon Channel

Popplio’s Hawaiian origins would certainly make sense, since it was also revealed today that Sun and Moon take place in the tropical region of Alola, the name of which seems clearly inspired by the Hawaiian greeting “aloha.”

Image: The Official Pokémon Channel

The games’ cover stars (and presumably legendary Pokémon) were also revealed. Sun‘s character looks like a fire-type lion whose mane looks like rays of light, while Moon‘s appears to be some sort of celestial bat, whose wings look like two crescent moons. Some speculation has surrounded these characters’ names; a trademark that Nintendo filed seems to suggest they are called Solgaleo and Lunaala.

pokemon sun

pokemon moon

In case all that wasn’t enough new information, the game’s Japanese trailer also reveals some new (although less significant) info: You can choose from several different skin colors for the protagonist, similarly to X and Y. Check out both videos and let us know in the comments which starter you’re choosing on day 1.

Images: The Pokémon Company

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