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Watch the First Footage of ARROW’s New Black Canary in Action!

Man, the CW is on fire these days. With shows like Jane the Virgin winning new audiences and critical acclaim, and the Vertigo comic adaptation iZombie from Veronica Mars‘ Rob Thomas on its way, the network has grown far beyond the confines of the soap operas with which it was once identified. But there’s no greater success story that that of the CW’s Arrow and The Flash. While the latter is the network’s highest rated program ever, together the two shows are the best comic-book-based series on TV right now, the most successful translation of DC’s characters to live-action television, and the foundation of the company’s expanding TV Universe.

In its latest trailer for both series, the CW proudly showcases what distinguishes The Flash and Arrow from their competitors — awesome superhero action and cool code names! Including its latest champions: The Flash‘s Dr. Martin Stein (as played by Alias star Victor Garber, who with Robbie Amell’s Ronnie Raymond, comprises the show’s Firestorm) and Arrow‘s new Black Canary (a.k.a Laurel “Dinah” Lance, played by series regular Katie Cassidy), who made her debut in last night’s midseason premiere…

With Oliver Queen currently out of commission on Arrow, we know the new Canary will be doing her damnedest to clean up the streets of Starling City in his absence. But how will she fare? Her late sister Sara (the original Canary) spent years training with the League of Assassins; and Oliver, of course, honed his skills as a mercenary and A.R.G.U.S. operative in his five years away from home. I’ll say one thing for Arrow‘s newest superhero — she cuts a much meaner figure in her mask, wig, and jacket than I’d ever dared hoped.

What do you guys think? Let us know below!

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  1. I’m over the Laurel hate, I’m on board with her now. Question , what happen to Wildcat, would be nice to see him work the streets with her until Ollie comes back! Also Flash is hitting out of the park!