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Watch SUPERGIRL’s Pilot for Free, Right Now!

It’s a bird, it’s a plane—oh wait, I’m thinking of the wrong Superperson. But that doesn’t negate the fact that our excitement remains the same: the Supergirl pilot is available online for you all to stream, right here, right now! And we wanted to make sure everyone was aware of that fact.

Unfortunately we can’t embed it here, because life is cruel and unusual (or, y’know, CBS would like to keep all that traffic to their own site, which we get). But we thought it was best to clue you in on the fact that there is a nice and easy digital way to peep the first episode—read our recap of the show after you’ve watched it—in case you missed it on Monday night. If you’re into watching superheroic TV dealings on network television, this is the link you’ll want to click.

For the rest of us that saw the series premiere last night—potential spoilers ahead, folks!—we’ve also got the season-long look-ahead superclip embedded below.

Needless to say, CBS’ take on the superhero genre is sure to be divisive compared to its big-budget, cable, streaming, and cinematic counterparts. While some may appreciate the Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman vibe of this series (man the ’90s were such their own little thing), others may want flashier, action-packed grittiness.

But the great thing about opinions is that they’re like butts, in that everyone has one. What did you think of the Supergirl pilot? Let us know in the comments!

Image Credit: CBS

Alicia Lutes is the Managing Editor of The Nerdist. Find her on Twitter (@alicialutes). 

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