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Watch Natalie Dormer Look For Love In Hozier’s Video For ‘Someone New’

Always good to see a familiar face in an unexpected place. Looks like Game Of Thrones’ and Hunger Games’ Natalie Dormer is taking Hozier’s lyrics to heart in this brand new music video for “Someone New”, the followup single to the ubiquitous and catchy “Church”

By the time Hozier sings “I’m in love with every stranger, the stranger the better” in the bridge to the final chorus, Dormer has already daydreamed about passionately hooking up with 5 strangers as she passes them by in the club, on the street, and on the subway (Even though she’s rocking her Hunger Games haircut, I kept thinking that maybe the next new stranger would be a dapper 21st century Joffrey). Ultimately we learn that the cause of her prowling can be traced back to a wounded heart: When she enters her apartment, she has flashbacks of being intimate with someone who was presumably more important than randos she was fantasizing about on the street.

It’s stormy, sexy, and dark and Dormer totally owns it. The least engaging aspect of this video is actually Hozier’s track, which has just a dollop to0 much camp in its chorus for me to focus on Dormer’s performance. However, the music did come before the video, and the song as a standalone is perfectly catchy. I’m just speaking my mind is all, which is what you guys to do too! Let us know what you think of the song and video. Do you think Hozier needs to axe his beard? Do you think he then needs to tape his beard to the bare part of Dormer’s head. That would be weird! Let us know in the comments below.



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  1. Michelle Tuscany says:

    How beautiful is Natalie Dormer? There is just something completely captivating about her that I simply can’t get over. There is no way I would have gotten through that song if she wasn’t in the video. Sorry, not sorry, it just doesn’t do it for me. 

  2. Haley says:

    Man, first Lily Cole, now Natalie Dormer. Too jealous.

  3. LBD says:

    I would have loved a JRM cameo at the end…

  4. Soph says:

    What about his last video “From Eden” with Katie McGrath from Merlin & Dracula that came out last year?