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Watch Lana Del Rey’s Dream-like Video for ‘Music To Watch Boys To’

The last time we saw Lana Del Rey in a music video, she was being harassed by the paparazzi and was annoyed enough to shoot down a helicopter with an intense gun that civilians probably shouldn’t be allowed to have. That was “High By The Beach”, but in her new video for “Music To Watch Boys To”, the singer decided to do something more leisurely: seductively lounge around with imagery of flamingos, women swimming underwater, old gramophones, film reels and projectors, and, as the title would suggest, boys.

The whole thing is a dream-like trip that is harmonious with the chilled-out tone of the song. Del Rey continues her reign as the primary purveyor of something that is like nostalgia: while the tone is suggestive of yearning for the good ol’ days, the past seems filtered through a modern mysticism that isn’t really of the era it’s emulating. Such is the mystery of Lana Del Rey: no one seems to know exactly when she is from, and trying to unravel her narrative is part of what has kept the industry hooked since she burst onto the scene.

Del Rey recently performed a few songs from her latest album, Honeymoon, on BBC Radio 1 and spoke about the making of the album and her love for “You Get What You Give” by The New Radicals. Del Rey’s latest album, Honeymoon, was released on September 18 via Interscope. She does not currently have any live dates scheduled, but it seems likely that a tour in support of the album will happen in the not-too-distant future.

HT: Pitchfork
Featured image via Interscope/Lana Del Rey

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