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Watch Koko the Gorilla Play Bass with Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers

As far as gorillas go, Koko has to be one of the most talented. The 45-year-old primate had previously made friends with Robin Williams and a pair of kittens, and now the latest member of her squad is Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea. He went to meet Koko for the first time, and during their encounter, Koko took advantage of an opportunity that every rock fan would love to: She got her hands on one of Flea’s bass guitars and played it.

Although it might be a bit late for the gorilla to launch a new career as a rock star, she actually looks to have a basic understanding of at least how the bass is held, with one hand firmly around the neck (muting the strings, but still) and the other strumming away. Flea praised his new friend, saying, “Koko, you’re a very curious gorilla.” She even seemed to realize that the bass sounds better when she’s not muting the strings with her other hand.

Aside from her very competent use of sign language, Koko has shown this type of dexterity before, like when she was gifted two kittens for her 44th birthday last year. Koko always had a fascination with baby dolls, and when she got some baby cats of her own, she took them gently into her powerful hands and cradled and pet them with all the care she would give to her own babies.

Watch Koko and Flea meet above, and let’s hope that Koko sticks with the bass, because she’s probably capable of some tasty, tasty licks.

Featured Image: Red Hot Chili Peppers

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